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Posts posted by silvertrumpetmusic

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='676755' date='Dec 7 2009, 02:39 PM']Really? I have a Bass Pod XT and that's one of the things that I particularly use it for - having dedicated presets for different basses. I've found no problem getting the right mix of chorus for me. How was the Pod connected in your signal chain?[/quote]
    Yeah it seemed to get lost a bit. I have a variax bass too (soon to be swapped for a Stingray) and have similar problems there too. The sounds live seem too similar to one another or get lost in the mix

  2. [quote name='iamapirate' post='677316' date='Dec 7 2009, 10:52 PM']Do you have a chorus and/or an EQ? Ad do you have a preamp already? Or a proper amp? Becuase you could do the above with a decent chorus (which you can upgrade whenever), and cheap behringer EQ (about a tenner second hand) and an AB switcher which are about a tenner as well. Then the hartke preamp is very similar tone-wise to the sansamp stuff, and by doing it this way, it takes up more room, but you can adjust everything in the future very easily, and inexpensively. So if you decided the chorus sucked, then you could change it to a coocat, but if you had a sansamp, then you'd need a whole new system and back to square one.[/quote]
    Well I have an old Hartke amp which I quite like, but no added EQ. I was going to get th boss chorus as I've used several other boss pedals and they seem to really deliver so I trust the make I guess. If I go for the Sansamp that lives me some options if I do a gig where the gear is already in place, like theatres etc

  3. [quote name='CliveT' post='676732' date='Dec 7 2009, 02:09 PM']I would make sure you know exactly what you need before spending money. I have both P and fretless J basses and gig with both regularly. The P bass sounds good as it is but the fretless jazz needs a small volume boost to equal the P. At low volumes a like to boost the mids a bit on the fretless too but at gig volume I don’t find this is necessary.

    So, I use an MXR M80 and if I need no EQ changes for the P it’s left switched off. When I change to the fretless J I use the clean channel to boost. To be honest even if I need to use a little EQ for the P it’s not a problem to bend down after switching basses and move the volume knob from 12:00 to 2:00, and a small EQ change on the fly is very easy too. My chorus pedal stays inline all the time too so can be used whenever needed.[/quote]
    Yeah, you're rght. I could just change settings on the fly but I might only use fretless for one song then back to fretted so it seems a little fiddley to me.

  4. Hi

    Does anyone hae any suggestions for easily using 2 basses fo live work.
    I'd like to be able to switch from fretted to fretless and with the press of a button add more bass and some chorus.
    I haven't found a dual channel preamp wit chorus anywhere.
    I did try the pod x3 live but the effects get easily lost

    Any thoughts welcomed!!

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