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Dave Evans

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Posts posted by Dave Evans

  1. Guys I have to conclude with the comments here. I have just had another reply from some one who calls themselves a Musician on JMB by the name of Nutsack or should I say he called himself rucksack52 but I knew what he meant. "Im'e not interested thanks" was the reply.

    Well here's my site-     daveevansguitar.co.uk    and see if you'd be interested enough at least to reply with little more humility and grace, being as the film clip alone cost thousands to put together.

    Some time ago I sent out 58 messages to people on Bandmix that Purport to be musicians, I got 12 replies and some of these were simply insulting. As Psychotherapist,  "I mentioned this before" a fancy word for a counsellor, its easy to see See Ego driven statements especially if you of the same discipline ie Chest beating mechanics to Musicians. I have certainly found that the "better you are at something the less people like it" Unless of course you are Guthrie Govan or Jacko Pistorius then you'd be on the phone/post bragging to people about how you just had a lesson with them. We are all programmed to praise aren't we. We have to learn the difference between Critique and Criticising. Anyway if there are any bass players out there who feel like putting some effort in to a three piece and backing a decent gunslinger give us a shout. Contact details are on my site .....Tra La Dave.

  2. Seven messages sent to [email protected] making some general enquiries and not one reply from them.....Thats apart from the bands and people advertising that puport to be musicians. oh yes and there's seems to be so many Experts around these days.

    Ex this and Ex that, what they really mean is that they are Exempt of any grace or humility.

    On my site and other platforms I too have listed myself as Expert but the songs and playing is there to be judged. We should not make claims that cannot be viewed or listened to and unless you can put Video or Audio on your advert the software should block you from being able to state this.

    I am a guitar teacher and trained Psychotherapist "fancy name for a counsellor" and I teach everybody like they are going to be the best guitarist / musician in the country. Someone who I suspected of a little resentment said to me a few years ago, "Oh is so and so still having lessons with you" I replied that they were indeed ,they then said he must be better than you by now "I said only if I have done my job correctly" If you have pride in what you do then you are best placed to support others not to trample over them.


    All contact welcome Best Regards Dave E Tra la

    Details on Site-      daveevansguitar.co.uk 


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