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Posts posted by Colin66

  1. 5 hours ago, Alba said:

    They were very big in Belgium when I lived there in the 80's. Saw them at the Manhattan, Leuven, and they had such energy live. Peter was playing a Kubicki Factor which sounded glorious and have wanted one ever since. Great voice too.

    Yeah there was a music programme in the Netherlands that I used to watch, being based on the border of Germany/Netherlands, on NOS I think, and CR were on there a lot. I had to look up what a Kubicki Factor was. Fascinating. Thanks for the education! Leaving this link for anyone who might also be interested in the history!


  2. On 10/05/2019 at 12:38, EJWW said:

    The band name must surely have been a barrier to success in the English- speaking world. 

    I love bass-playing lead singers like Geddy and Sting but Peter Kingsbery has one of the best voices of a bass player I've heard. 

    Surprisingly little out there by C(o)ck Robin really, took me over a week to receive their debut album which I could only find via Amazon from overseas. 

    In the mid-late 80s I was living in Germany, right on the border with the Netherlands and this band appeared on the TV music programmes of the region (Netherlands/Belgium/Germany) and I was blown away. Their voices were great, bass lines great...I could never fathom out why they weren't more popular. They were on interviews all the time and Peter talked about studying music/bass in Texas and forming the band in LA some years after. It was always clear that he had huge talent for bass, songwriting and vocals. Massively underrated talent and I've been listening to their first 3 albums ever since I first heard them. So good to read of others liking their music. I even found a Belgian bass website that has transcribed 4 of their tracks!!

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