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Status Replies posted by GeneS

  1. I play bass, guitar, and 8-string ukulele in a duo called Blue Yonder. We play 60s and 70s classic rock with great joy.  We also build (mostly) bass guitars and love to read what others know and do themselves.  I have been playing since I was 15 (a very long time ago) with various groups and as a solo.  I consider being able to play and sing, and now build, to be the great gifts of my life.

    I have and use:

    Fender Mustang

    Mensinger Joker B Custom

    Rickenbacker 4006

    Gibson EB0

    Hofner 500/1

    Blue Phoenix B001, Blue Phoenix B002

    Kamaka H8

    '67 Martin D-28

    Blue Yonder at Norbrook.jpg

    1. GeneS


      Thanks, I look forward to being a member here.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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