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Duke Euphoria

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Posts posted by Duke Euphoria

  1. [quote name='mgibson' post='733328' date='Feb 2 2010, 07:16 PM']even is ur not that good try to get into a band[/quote]

    I have a dream...
    It's not the one about the giant cheese and the jam spoon either.

    I started playing Bass after playing Rock band and thinking "I can do this"
    I've found a drummer who started the same way. (she's bloody good too)
    I've found a singer who started the same way, then went on to church choir.

    Now all we need is someone on lead guitar, then we put the band back together man...

  2. [quote name='Telebass' post='733206' date='Feb 2 2010, 05:31 PM']Welcome![/quote]
    Thanks, it's good to be here..

    [quote]"I made a mess of myself when I was a kiddy by falling sideways through a greenhouse. " Ouch![/quote]
    Yeah, somewhat of an ouch. But hey, still alive, still kicking (so long as I use the right leg) and making bad noises at low frequencies...

    [quote]Have no fear, you are treading a well-worn path! Just enjoy it. A handy jamming tool is the Tascam MP-BT1 (which I think is about to become the MkII, so don't rush just yet...). Not only is it an mp3 player you can plug your bass into (get good headphones!), but it can do alllsorts with the music and it has effects too! Great fun.[/quote]

    I shall not fear, fear is the mind killer (etc...)

    From what I read the Boss sounds like much the same piece of kit as the Tascam, MP3 player, effects box, 4 channel recorder etc.
    It's certainly helping me get my act together when "someone else" is playing.

    Three blind mice has never sounded so good.

  3. Hi all, Another very new bass player here.

    I've been learning on and off for most of a year, slowly getting to the point where I make a mess of the easy stuff rather than the embarrasingly noddy stuff.
    Started after realising that I was enjoying playing Rock Band for the music rather than the game.

    Current gear compreises a Fender "rumble" 25, Bass Collection Speakeasy, and a Boss micro BR for making a fool of myself on.

    The speakeasy has a lovely neck, a very comfortable body, and is light enough so that even I don't get sore with it hung roung my neck*
    The downside is that the electrics hiss like an angry pussycat and would pick up capital gold with astonishing clarity before the chaps at the Bass Center rewired them...

    My main focus right now is learning to actually play, something that's proving a tad tricky without anyone else to jam along with.

    I'd appreciate any advice you guys can give me regarding, well, anything at all to be honest.

    Gah, Just rememebered I posted one of these a while back. 'Tis the memory that goes first folks...

    *I made a mess of myself when I was a kiddy by falling sideways through a greenhouse.

  4. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='704443' date='Jan 7 2010, 05:04 PM']Don't worry about that - it'll be a laugh. I've been playing bass for yonks but I don't have anything fancy in my repetoire - I prefer the opposite in fact :)[/quote]

    I can cope with a laugh, so long as nobody expects me to play anything more complex than three blind mice all will be well...

  5. Hi all, Not a long time lurker, nor yet a longtime bass player just discovering the community.

    I'm pretty much new to the art, to the community at large and to playing anything other than keyboard*

    Currently playing a Bass Collection Speakeasy, 4 string active bass with a gorgeous fretboard and
    the most _vile_ electronics it's ever been my misfortune to put on a scope
    This attached to a quite excellent fender 25 watt practice amp.

    I'm not playing with any bands, nor am I touring solo, playing gigs in pubs or even jamming with my
    chums in a freezing garage in Walthamstow.

    I'm learning, very very slowly, and would value any clues you could sling in my direction.

    Many thanks.

    *[sub]And that with QWERTY across the top[/sub]

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