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basso navo

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Posts posted by basso navo

  1. Dear all who advised me,


    here is a pic of my recently acquired fretless: Warwick RockBass Streamer Standard.

    I replaced the original roundwounds with LaBella flats.

    The neck is rather thin compared to that of my DB, so I have to get used to that.

    The instrument is rather light-weight, at 3.7 kilos.

    I was able to bargain it down to 630 €, so am quite happy.


    • Like 1
  2. Third in the family!

    My solid body double bass made by Emanuel Wilfer, and my Stagg EUB welcome their sibling:

    Warwick RockBass Streamer fretless. Original wires replaced with La Bella flatwounds.

    Now I shall work on my fingerspacing, as the "fret"board is a lot shorter than those of the uprights.


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  3. Dear experts of two worlds,


    being a double bassist, I'd like to explore new grounds: the electric bass. My goal: A fretless bass guitar.


    Here are my questions:


    1.  Are there instruments with a thickness of the neck similar to that of a DB?

    1.  Are there basses that enable a near-upright position of the fretboard?


    Looking forward to your ideas.




  4. 17 minutes ago, JPJ said:

    make sure the side dots on the fretless bass are ‘on the frets’ as against between the frets which you can see on some defretted basses. 

    Thank you. This is a real helpful hint which wouldn't have occured to me.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi experts,

    playing double bass, I'd like to add electric bass guitar.

    The idea is to have the best of two worlds: The dark voluminous sound of the DB and the edgier, more percussive sound of the electric bass.

    Also, I'd like to have a fretless fingerboard, as I am used to the DB fingerboard.

    Long scale, therefore, is my choice.

    Does all this sound contradictory to you?

    Has anybody gone this road?

    Looking forward to your ideas.


  6. About hitting the "wrong note" aka "making a mistake":

    - Solace: The "right" note (belonging to the required scale) is always only a half step away.

    - Solution: practise the problem note together with the note/notes/phrase immediately before the trouble spot; then do the same with the not/phrase after the said problem spot.


    It is important to do this slowly and exactly.


    When playing the entire tune, it is also important not to stop or quit when a mistake (mis-take) occurs, as this may create an bad habit which is almost impossible to get rid of. Instead, finish the whole song.


    Enjoy your journey.

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