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Posts posted by Alexx

  1. 8 hours ago, uk_lefty said:

    I'd love to get a four string one of these to try out, really like the finish on the fretboard and with that active EQ it must be incredible. I'm a big fan of the Sire jazz basses having owned two. Get a decent thick strap and the neck dive shouldn't be an issue. But if you play a four hour gig in a sweaty club in Amsterdam with this over your shoulder you'll end the night feeling like one leg is much shorter than the other!!

    The preamp is ace, it can do woody and delicate right through to fulsome beefy bass. I love it. 

    • Like 1
  2. Having wanted a fretless since borrowing a mate's acoustic for a couple of months, and being 5-curious as well I thought I'd dive right in and get both in one. Popped a bid on this and it came good, decent price I think, with a case thrown in. Got it a couple of days ago. 


    So far, so impressed. It's mint, hard to believe it's been played before. Not as heavy as I expected, although the neck does dive a bit. It's really lovely to play, tweaked the set up and got the action very low. I've found it takes a bit of a mental shift, both in terms of starting to think about the options the B string provides, as well as the confidence to play without eyeballing my left hand. I'm hoping that it will help me train my ears a bit. 


    The preamp and knob config is more complicated than I'm used to so still got some experimenting to do. But it seems to chuck out a great range of tones and overall the best thing about it is the sound. I've spent ages just widdling and making wonderful noises. 


    Anyway, very happy with this, lovely bit of kit. 


    Edit: I realise I should have taken the pic from a different angle given how these headstocks seem to be unpopular! 




    • Like 7
  3. I have one of those, it's a good bass. I modded mine by knocking the gloss back with wire wool. Rough and ready but looks good to me. Was going to get a new pickguard but like the look with the black. Still may try a gold or mirrored one or something silly though! I put some beefier pickups in it too. 



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  4. Adam Neeley did a good video on this recently. He sort of accepts that musical output is perfectly manageable for AI, but draws a distinction between that and the 'Turing test' of performing music, which he reckons is not plausible (albeit partly because 'hands'). It's interesting to reflect that all this may ultimately lead to a re-evaluation of the value of music as a live performance medium as opposed to a  commercial output medium which is pretty much what it became over the course of the twentieth century. But that's just my speculation and clearly some way off. 




    Edit: I haven't yet watched the OP video, but will do. 

    • Like 2
  5. Zoom B6 recently arrived. So far so very good, already looking at moving on some individual pedals. 


    It's slightly overwhelming just playing with it on its own, but with a band practice coming up on Tuesday I'm expecting that using it in context will help me focus on what I actually need it to do. 


    Top marks not just for how it sounds so far, but also for xlr out, double input (I want to dust off my Korg Monologue) and the fact it seems to double as an audio interface so we can use clips from Ableton out to the PA. Should massively cut down the load and setup overhead. And the tuner is ace. 


    • Like 5
  6. Thanks. I need to have a play around.


    I'm planning on DI'ing my bass into the mixer/PA. I'd like to try and get the two guitars to do similar, and adding a drum mic or two, then we can record tracks, as well as reducing volume a bit. I'd use my digital 8 track/DAW and try monitoring from one of those (although perhaps latency might be an issue?).

  7. After deciding I need to do something about never hearing very much of myself or anything else except drums and one deafening guitar amp, and reading through the excellent IEM bible thread, I've ordered a pair of kz zs10 and a behringer p2. 


    In the spirit of 'buy first, ask questions later' I'm now working out how to get noise into them from the desk. 


    We use a rcf f 12xr (I believe), and the two aux outs feed the two monitor speakers used by guitar/vox. 


    I'm guessing I could plug into the headphone out jack (the clue's in the name?) and get a post-fader/fx stereo output? Or using a 2 into 1 cable use the control room outputs and get the same thing? Or is there more to it than that? Is there a way to get a pre-fader signal? 

  8. 48 minutes ago, Baloney Balderdash said:

    Personally the EMG Geezer Butler P is go to P pickup upgrade, for a clear sounding vintage voiced pickup with some extra spank, or for a more modern fat and aggressive tone the DiMarzio Model P.


    That's as may be, but there's no way I'm taking this to bits again until I have to 😅


    Although I am now looking at the slightly crap tuners. And maybe the bridge... 

  9. Curry's-PC World after a bad experience with a faulty telly a few years ago. 


    I try not to use Amazon, partly because it seems increasingly hard to be confident about what you're buying and from where. Also recently had a laptop nicked/swapped out for a different parcel. If you can't treat/pay drivers well enough to get honest ones to work for you... 



    • Like 1
  10. Finally managed to solder all the bits together after taking my Squier Affinity PJ to bits and upgrading the pickups and pots. Went for Tonerider after reading some good reviews, and didn't want to spend too much.


    After a few hours of frankly terrible soldering I eventually made the bits stick together, got it strung up and plugged in. The pickups are beasts. Mainly just using the P, I had to drop it back into the body slightly to calm it down. Really seems powerful, with a much more aggressive sound than the stock pups. I'm really impressed.


    Always nice to put things back together and find they work, eh?! 

    • Like 1
  11. Oh yes. I've developed a moderate pedal habit already. Working on a 'one in, one out' basis, except for the 'out' bit being hard to manage. Feels like you just never know when it will come in handy/change your life, so best keep it just in case... 😄

  12. I have a Keeley Neutrino, the only EF I've used so far. It's pretty tweakable and seems quite sensitive to my playing, but I'm very happy with the sound now I've managed to dial it in. Switchable to pass up or down. Still getting used to it though and working out the best spot in the chain. 

    • Like 1
  13. Hello bass chatters. Only recently found this forum but it's great. After a few years playing bass about 20 years ago I have been playing a bit more the last few years, and recently got set up in a band with a couple of mates. 

    Played a Squier PJ, until splurging on a Cort which I fell in love with, and I've been playing it more and more. 

    Now in the process of getting a 'proper' amp, which is how I found the forum, researching the options. I'm now eagerly awaiting delivery of a used Vanderkley 112MNT and a Hartke LH500. Medium term plan is probably to use the Hartke as a stopgap until I have the spondoolies for something fancier but it seems decent so we'll see! 

    Anyway, thanks for the useful forum! 

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