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Derek Slade

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Posts posted by Derek Slade

  1. Hello, Matthew – my name is Derek Slade. I was thinking about your dad earlier today and decided to look around the internet for news about him. The first link took me to this thread, and I was shocked and saddened to hear about his illness.


    I first met Laurence over fifty years ago, when we were students at Lancaster University in the late 60s-early 70s (I was then known as Del). I joined a band with him and Andrew Fry (known as Friz). We were first called Ladder, then Undercarriage. We played at parties on and around the campus, and supported Hawkwind and Al Stewart at the university.


    Even then your dad seemed to have total command of the bass; he always knew what he was going to play, and why. He was incredibly friendly and had a wickedly dry wit. During our time together we recorded some songs and had them pressed as 45s. Here’s a link to Friz’s recollections of this: https://www.45cat.com/record/ibcep3655. Incidentally, I’m sure Friz would wish to contribute to this thread, though I’m afraid I don’t have contact details for him.  He and Laurence left the university for London a year before I came down. They formed another band with a new guitarist; I remember seeing them at a pub in Bromley, the place was packed and it was a great night.


    Dementia is a terrible disease; I hope your dad is as well as possible, and I wish you both all the very best.

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