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Posts posted by MKay

  1. Very clearly instructed that the band I was desperate to play a song with, (got all excited), played all their songs in E flat. Duly noted and then proceeded to tune to E....Was never asked if I wished to play with them again! 

  2. On 04/05/2023 at 19:32, Gasman said:

    Having had wrist and finger problems I was interested to read this as I'd never heard of or been advised about this condition. I checked my left palm and sure enough there's a nodule below the ring finger - perhaps because  I've had cortisone injections for osteo-arthritis in the wrist (very effective) that is masking the Dupuytren condition although I do still get the occasional bent-finger-lockup. Thank you for posting, and my good wishes for the best possible outcome.

    Thank You Sir......

  3. A bit grim.....but I was wondering if anyone else has had any surgery for this and how long did it take to get back gigging? I am right handed, (contracture is in my right hand),  and finger pluck........would love to give my band some encouraging news!

  4. Current rig with the 2x10 for the more "intimate" venues...........the 2112 with the RM800 EQ set flat is beautiful....and the RBI is A/B'd to shift the tone if desired.......75 re-issue Jazz has a Badass II fitted and a set of Geddy Tom Brantley pups await to be fitted. The MXR fuzz and OC3 Octave works wonders for a Muse style....


    • Like 7
  5. On 05/03/2023 at 13:22, Muzz said:

    It's a fine line, punters in pubs aren't generally going in there wanting to be challenged (when I'm considering songs for the set I always have in the back of my mind the quiet groan from an audience at a big band gig when the singer says 'This is something new from our last album'...)  It ain't right, musically, but it's a fact that people want to hear what they know, so a few of the Usual Suspects need to be done. A walk down familiar but less well-trodden paths can be interesting for the band - I heard Brimful Of Asha done recently, for example (just guitar, bass and drums), and the crowd loved it. I think it's important for the band to make a song theirs and make it sound good, no matter how everyday popular it might be - as another example, an acoustic-ish version of Not Nineteen Forever (slower acoustic start before livening up after the first verse) goes down as well as the full-on version, and there's the Irony card (as long as the crowd's with you*): wedding crowds always loved I Hate Everything About You later in the evening... 


    * And sometimes even if it isn't: we always have the start of Eye Of The Tiger in the bag for if it kicks off - that always diffuses the tension in the room... 🙂

    Eye is in our current set list.....maybe we should put it after RATM to get that desired effect? 😉

  6. This is a good point......we used to play Bat out of Hell, (album version), and it became very popular. Less well known songs on the current set list include Remedy by The Black Crows, Wayward Son and Jet, (WIngs).....Bicycle Race is on the subs bench.


    We see that punters appreciate something different, especially if there has been effort put into it to learn them correctly. 

    • Like 1
  7. Interesting...I am fascinated by The Ged and was looking to buy his MIM Jazz quite a few years ago, (possibly 2008 ish).....played it at a local shop and to be honest, it was NOT my bass....The Long Haired Admiral, (in her infinite sonic and visual wisdom), chose the Jazz 75 re-issue at the time, (natural with the black blocks)......wise words....still my only bass.  Would I consider buying a Sig Bass? No.

    (Disclaimer - (I bought a Custom Shop Gilmour Relic around the same time and it's appreciating quite nicely - one for the Grand Kids).  Sorry....


    That was a few years ago - my rig with a 2112 / RBI / Ashdown does what I need......






  8. I am gigging the RM 800. I love the flexibility of this amp. Currently running it with EQ out and no shape to get a good understanding of my Sansamp stuff as pre amps. I do like the shape though, so I'm afraid I'm going to enter "tinker mode" very soon. I usually use my Ashdown 2x10 cab, (albeit now fitted with 2 x 250w eminence speakers in 4 ohm config), but I like to run one of my 4 x 10s for larger venues.


    Plenty of headroom and a ton of features. Why would you not own one?

    • Like 1
  9. I am Martin from Southampton, Hampshire. Been playing bass for about 30 years or so. Current rig as per my signature block, although the ABM 1200 and 4x 10 cabs are on the subs bench waiting for that call from Dave G to sit in for Nate Mandell for the Wembley gigs 'cause he's got a hurty knee... I play every few weekends with The Mighty Fly and I am teetering on the rabbit hole of tone....currently running the 2 x Sansamps, (AB switched), with the RM 800 EQ out, but this will no doubt change...looking to this forum for all things advice flavoured - tone hacks, gear, GAS remedies etc. 

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