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Mr Shields

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Posts posted by Mr Shields

  1. Hi ,


    I'm extremely interested in buying your Kubicki Factor Bass Guitar but living in Scotland & not having the time to travel , is there no way you can find that see this bass guitar being delivered via a Courier!


    Even IF I took trains to trave to where you stay , that is quite a far away place to travel to.


    I completely understand your reasoning as no doubt you'll want potential buyers to try it out & when no faults are apparent , when trying out your Kubicki , this came now be seen as saying that buyer tried it out & no faults where found during the buyers demo of this bass guitar.


    Is there , absolutely , no way you could be interested by sending via a Courier , as at the moment there's no way I'll have the time to travel quite a long , & quite a few , trains used to travel.


    I can relate to you wanting to sending it without going on an online website shopping store & I prefer to deal by using cash only & it would be a devastating blow to miss out on 1 of Phils Kubicki Factor Bass Guitar , rather than the Fender Custom Shop Version.


    Though the FCS Version is still a great bass on its own rights but buying Fender means missing out on everything Phil strived to make his Versions of his Kubicki Factor Bass Guitar.


    Without sounding desperate , I've tried to buy 1 of Phil's Pre to Post Kubicki Factor Bass Guitars & I'm finding out I'm losing out on some great bass guitars because , with respect , the Seller does not want to send this bass to a customer.


    Obviously & though staying Scotland means the idea of posting it to European or American Buyers , along with Asian & other countries that could see a Kubicki Factor Bass Guitar get posted out to a city on the other side of the world.


    IF your willing to accept my price & I'll pay for P&P , would this be an acceptable way of selling your bass guitar to me.


    No doubt by the time I send this message it may have already sold but at least you'll know you have a serious buyer & IF it hasn't sold yet then im willing to pay your asking price & I'll pay for the Postage & Practicing.




    Mr Shields



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