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Posts posted by MaidenVT

  1. 10 minutes ago, NAS Bass said:

    SPB3's were a bit mid shy for me.


    I can recommend the EMG GZR P pickups for punch and growl - not overly high output and not just for the Geezer vibe, but a good old school mid Precision bit of grit. 

    Yeah I heard about these. EMG's do have a lot of growl. 

  2. I wasn't going to replace my V Mod II pups but there just not what I expected. I have two Bass's the new Fender P and the Squier P bass. I never done this before so I was going to replace the Squier pups first. Now I have to choose what Bass get's what pickup. I own both. I'm a big Iron Maiden fan but I'm looking for my own tone. I thought the SPB-3 would be a perfect match but now I have read mixed reviews and maybe I should have gotten the SPB-2's for the Fender. I play Metal but no modern metal mostly Sabbath, Maiden, Metallica, Ozzy. Hard rock UFO, and Zeppelin some WHO. Any recommendations will be helpful. I'm looking for more punch and GROWL!!!

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