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Posts posted by GoodShowSir

  1. Ok thank you so much everyone. I have tried my wifes IEM's which are the same make and it's not happening (though I kinda hear it struggling). I've also gone through studio headphones and every other headphones I can find in the house and it isn't happening.


    I just assumed it was me... wow... that makes me very happy :D


    Thank you! I'm still going to get someone else just to double check they can hear what I can through my IEM's but hoping its just that. Then I am going to invest in a better pair of IEM's!

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, Dood said:


    I'd echo this. I think it seems like I rag on cheap IEMs on BC, but, there are many reasons why I'd not suggest buying cheap universals and generics anyway. There's also the rest of the chain to take in to consideration too, like that of the cheap radio, what is being sent to your IEMs? is the mix just tsraight out of the PA or do you have the luxury of being able to high pass / compress / EQ and, even go stereo? I maintain that the reason most people feel isolated and find IEMS dificult is becuase it costs money, time and a bit of understanding to do it properly. I have endured some truly painful in-ear mixes over the years, especially as like you @GoodShowSir, I suffer from Tinnitus and have an ENT on speed dial lol. I'd highly recommend to any musician getting your ears checked out regularly anyway, as you can plot hearing damage history and find ways to help protect those very delicate lug-oles! 

    Nice, thanks to you both. I dont know why I hadn't really considered that.


    So happens no matter what really, from playing live direct from the PA, through my DI or even the little VOX plugin amp thing someone bought me. I'm going to play around with it later! And hopefully then just order some better IEM's :D


  3. 12 minutes ago, BigRedX said:

    How good are your IEMs?


    Many cheap drivers exhibit harmonic peaks which make some notes sound out of tune. The last place I worked had a nasty radio/CD system with terrible speakers. Some CDs just sounded horribly out of tune when played on it.


    That's... actually fair point, I hadn't considered it might be the IEM's! I got some Linsol KZ ZS10's which aren't too expensive, and recommending in another thread. But I will get my wife to try them later.

  4. So bit of an odd one, but before I start, I am going to see an ENT doctor about this so not really looking for medical advice just curious if anyone else has experienced this.


    I have suffered from tinitus for my whole life. I mainly only hear the ringing at night and to me thats always what night time sounds like, a high pitched ringing. Although if I think about it, like writing this message, I can hear it.


    Fairly recently I realised, when wearing IEM's I am hearing some notes sharp in my right ear. F3 is the most noteable for me, sounds sharp, especially if I do a scale up to it.


    Now take the IEM out of my right ear and everything sounds fine. Through an amp, and everything is all good. I've tried on the guitar and everything seems normal and different basses do seem to be a little better/worse which is odd.


    Just curious if anyone else has experienced this? It's kinda freaking me out a bit.



  5. 4 hours ago, bass_dinger said:

    Is there a name for alternating bars that flip between two time signatures?  I am told that Bernstein's America does the same, between 3/4 and 6/8.


    I seem to remember... and a quick search to confirm... you got it, its called an alternating time signature!

  6. 2 hours ago, Nice Guy Rich said:

    My church is considering using the ChurchSuite app to help organise everything, does anybody have experience of using it?  What are your thoughts?

    I like it, it beats a spread sheet emailed every two months thats for sure.


    Being able to swap with someone on the system is great, then the worship leader can just check who is on the rota the week before to and email songs out to everyone etc. We have our order of services on there too which is nice. Really easy to add unavailablity for the worship leader to organise the rota.


    I certainly don't have to do much to do with the admin side so not sure what the set up side is like. Maybe a little be clunky on mobile but other than that I think its a great organiser, has certainly improved the worship teams organisation.

    • Thanks 1
  7. And another for the KZ ZS10's, which I got after reading the IEM thread from a recommendation. My wife has some too and loves them, she plays the flute.


    I love IEMS now, we all now have Allen and Heath ME 500's and its great just to be able to mix your own monitor.


    Minininjarob - good luck with your practice and playing! Just remember, everyone starts somewhere and everyone makes mistakes and barely anyone notices. Even the "best" of us... on sunday... started to play a chorus intead of a verse :D


  8. 1 hour ago, Richard R said:

    This has got me thinking,  could one write a song where the time signatures were different per verse, and reflected the theological subject of that verse?


     1/1 -  one God

    2/4 - a march to victory 

    3/4 - the Trinity

               (not 3/3) as I had typed

    4/4 - the gospel writers

    5/4- five gifts in Ephesians 

    6/8 - six days to create the world

    7/8 - the Sabath, or holiness

    9/8 - apocalypse (with a nod to Genesis fans)



    Of course even if one could do this, I don't necessarily think one should...


    And you could take it even further! :D  John 3.16 in 3/16 😅

    • Haha 1
  9. 21 hours ago, Richard R said:

    I have a nightmare song as the first one for Sunday - Rend Collective's "You are my vision".

    This is a bastardised version of "Be thou my vision", and it's in 4/4. After 50+ years of singing this as a hymn in 3/4 it is doing my nut! Basically I'm OK provided I don't listen to the words - as soon as I do that I start playing waltz time...


    We're also doing "How deep the fathers love", by Stuart Townend. That's in 5/4 except for a few bars in 3/4, and is trivial by comparison. 


    Fortunately we have a fab drummer! 😄

    Yeah we tried to do that a while back and it blew our young drummers mind :D Bless him. We all got there though with some practice.


    Then followed it up with a Getty in an odd time signature too. I love it.

  10. On 20/02/2024 at 13:06, SimonK said:


    You are welcome to bring a bass along and give it a try if you want, although that might scare the rest of the slimming world group! You probably know my sister & brother in law - Phil & Tany - who are at Above Bar.


    I've moved away from DI boxes and use class D heads as they almost all have decent DI's built in and give you the option of plugging in a cab if you ever need to. We are toying with the idea of going IEM at St Lukes - we do so already for the drummer - but have had a bit of a PA splurge recently so arguing for any more is a bit difficult at the moment (yes that is a new sub next to the bass amp)!


    I might do, have to admit its rather a large congregation and I am shocking with names! :D People still ask if we have just joined and been there about 5 years now...


    Oh now I like that idea for the amp head.



  11. 1 hour ago, SimonK said:


    Small world - if you are meaning St Lukes!


    You will probably have seen the little procession of bass amps recently. This is because I have a friend who is an electronics whizz so we have been buying old, broken, amps and fixing them up. While we sell most of them I put the ones I like in church for a bit until something better comes along. That's why there was an Ashdown Mag 300 for six months or so until I donated it to another church that needed a bass amp. Then we had a Trace GP7 with a 1x15, but after I found a Trace 4x10 missing its amp (for £50!) we switched the GP7 out of the smaller combo and into the one in the picture above. I'm waiting for a suitably priced GP11 or 12 to come along at which point I will probably give the GP7 back to its original speaker.


    My personal current rig is an Aguilar 350 into a Trace 2103x and 1518 which I had in church over Christmas while I was getting the Trace combo sorted. However, I'm not convinced my stack sounds much better than the GP7 and 4x10!


    Yes, St Lukes :D Indeed a small world!


    Only been going along since Jan but my wife laughs at me every week checking out the Trace and Ashdown. I play in Above Bar but we all go in direct now, so just through my SansAmp Bass DI at the moment. But got the bug to try out some new DI's :)


    My brother forced me a take an old Peavy T-Max bass amp head from him... its slightly overkill for what I need and insanely heavy compared to modern equilivants...will probably be on the look out for a new amp set up for some cover/pub band stuff at some stage.



    • Like 1
  12. Huh, hopefully not too "stalkery".... I think I do slimming world in your Church building!


    Always check out the bass amp when standing in line (just looking, no touching I promise! :D). Have to hear your story!



  13. 12 hours ago, bass_dinger said:


    In other news, the set up has been changed, and each musician now has a behringer P16 mixer, to add to the PC screen with chord charts, and a small monitor.


     Nice! I don't know what I would do without my personal mixer these days, so spoiled :D  But nice about the PC screen and chord charts! That would be amazing.



  14. Just seeing if anyone would like this Landlord spinning room. Cheap pedal, with multi effects like, Chorus, flange, tremlo & filter.


    Does it work well on bass I hear you say... kinda... sometimes...


    I'm just looking to see if I can get it away as I never use it anymore. Comes with a box! Just the box, no instructions if there ever were any.


    £10 including postage, for someone who's bored!





  15. Just echoing others here. Don't be afraid to take a break for a while if its all getting to you! When I got to a certain point a while ago my wife wisely said, "There's a difference between needing to take a break and having to take a break." I would recommend to protect yourself a little and try not to get to the point where you are forced to take one.


    Go on sound desk where no one takes note or thanks you :D



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  16. On 17/10/2023 at 19:56, Richard R said:

    Has anyone else come across or used this browser add-in?



    It does pitch-shifting on YT video in real time. Which could be incredibly useful as our worship leaders never play the song in the same key as the one used in their example link. Not used it in anger yet, but I wish I'd had it last week

    Desktop Chrome or Edge only, and seems OK on the privacy front.


    Ha this is great! Just stumbled across your post. Even just to hear Matt Redman sound like he's trying to sing like the Andrew Eldrich from the Sisters of Mercy :D


    I am going to try this out! Great suggestion.


    EDIT - Alright, maybe not as metal as I hoped for. 😅 Still great tool!

    • Like 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, Greg Edwards69 said:

    It says made in China on the back. Considering Jackson is owned by Fender, I would assume it's made in the same factory as the Chinese Squiers.


    Thanks! I'm just always curious where stuff I buy is manufactured, not just basses. :D

  18. Nice, I saw someone locally selling one for under 100squid and was a little tempted. Even more so now :D


    Curiously, just been doing a quick google, but does it say where the bass was made?

  19. How interesting, thats a lot of pickups! :D


    It's passive though? Sorry I am still pretty new, passive bass humbucker?


    Edit - sorry ignore me, googled it and now englightened :D


    You going to record any samples?

  20. So after yet another wasted time on JMB... I just want to play some music with people... so disheartening...


    Thought to myself, I should actually probably record a couple of things to send off to people might save a little bit of time. As ever might be a stupid thing to ask, anyone got any suggestions or something they like to do? Use a backing track, just do a small 30 second self jam, use my looper pedal and mess around? All three?


    Feel free to share examples! I could look on youtube but not sure I am ready to share my bass shreding and tapping techniques... only get more discouraged!  :(


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