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Posts posted by alewelsh

  1. Bought one and used it through the headphone jack connected to the effects return of an Orange Crush 50 bass combo. It sounds great. But there is an issue that it's very annoying, when practicing with headphones using the channel 1 (the one without compression), there is a high pitch noise that is unbearable. When I switch to channel 2 with the compressor, the noise diminishes.

    I ordered a 4 ohm 200 w 1x12 cabinet and I'm planning to sell the orange crush 50 (if the Joyo via the new cabinet sounds better). And I'm hoping that the noise is related to electric charge or grounding and that once connected to the cabinet it will be solved and I will be able to use both channels when connected with the headphones. Because today I can only use channel 2 when I practice, can't stand the noise of channel 1.

    Anyone is having the same issue?


    Also, I'm thinking on buying a Warwick Gnome and that the Joyo can be used as a tube preamp through effects loop or headphone jack. The sound you get from the channel 2 with the gain is really awesome.

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