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Posts posted by TheLadGomez

  1. I've just picked up one of these for a couple of hundred Aussie dollars. My first impressions are pretty good (I'm using this with an old Gretsch Synchromatic 1222).


    Out of the box and bypassing all the fandangle wizardry it sounds at its best - and least muddy - to my ear (there's a switch on the back to bypass all the IR and effects stuff). I need to get my head around some of the effects and modelling - as with all these things it can tempt you to go full-hog with weird sounds you'll probably love for 5mins and hate for the rest of your life. Some of the amp modelling can sound muddy depending on the combinations you choose - going hard on the reverb can exacerbate this. The built-in drum tracks are a bit naff, but still a teeny bit more interesting to play along with than a metronome. 


    It does pump out a fair amount of heft for a 6.5" speaker, but I'm not sure why NUX has left itself open to ridicule by calling something so small the 'Mighty' 50BT. That said, it is loud enough that I can get away with using this for a jam so longer as the drummer isn't an animal. There's always the DI out as well, so it would be a viable option for small gigs while also providing a fold-back. You probably want to just load up your tone and use that rather than buggering around with changing all the modelling during a gig though. I could record it mic'ed up if anyone out there is interested (all the demos I've seen go through the DI).


    This leads me to a question for anyone who has one of these: Is there a trick to getting the looper pedal to work? I've tried it on passive and active modes, powered and unpowered, with the bluetooth thing on and off, and the amp just isn't responding to stimulus. The pedal itself works on a different guitar amp for channel switching. The looper from the app works, but it's pretty useless without the footswitch as you have to stop playing to use it. I'm wondering if I've got a unit with a faulty footswitch jack socket. Any advice would be gratefully received.

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