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Posts posted by AmericanSwede

  1. Greetings from Sweden,


    I am 66 and ready to begin learning bass. I played a little piano up until middle school, many years of violin up until the start of high school, sang in many school and church choirs up through high school, and taught myself the most basic guitar chords 50 years ago. Alas, with careers, marriages, living in four countries, and the rest of life, I am only now taking time to return to playing music again.


    Since I know little and have little to offer, I expect I will be doing a lot of reading and observing, but do not mean to be antisocial in any way.


    I have an old '80's Gallien-Krueger 200MB am, a Markbass Little Marcus 250 on order (I do not know what cab or cabs to have with it) and, as of tomorrow, an Ibanez Promethean P5110 with extra P110C  cab, for amplification.


    I have a Sire Marcus Miller V5 5-string, a Sire U5 fretless 4-string and a Sire M5 4-string with which to learn, now. I picked up a Carvin 5-string fretless, but it is still in the United States, waiting for me to come bring it back to Sweden.


    I do not have access to an instructor right now, so I would appreciate any tips on how I can best learn proper posture, hand positions, practice habits, etc. -- so that I have less to "unlearn" later, once I actually can play songs and aspire to more.


    Please feel free to ask me anything. I am quite open and also comfortable stating if there are things I do not wish to share.


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