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Posts posted by MrFunkH

  1. Hi guys! I finally solved my C4 MIDI issues. It was simple once I got a clear idea. I programmed on switch one of the Ampero Control a recall for the first preset of the C4, so I can always go back to square 1! (Mode: SIngle, channel 1, CC 104, Data 0). On the second one the increase preset (Mode: SIngle, channel 1, CC 106, Data 0). On the third the decrease preset (Mode: SIngle, channel 1, CC 107, Data 0). And on the 4th switch a tap tempo (Mode: SIngle, channel 1, CC 93, Data 0). I'm also using the Source Audio Dual Expression Pedal, straight to the C4 via the Control Input jack. As simple as that. I hope anyone can use this info. Enjoy!


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  2. 14 hours ago, moley6knipe said:

    Yeah your mapping and values are correct. Don’t know why that’s not working then… sorry for the obvious question but the midi data can actually reach the C4 through your host device? And you’re sending the CC to the midi channel that the C4 is on?


    I don’t know how “clever” the Ampero is, but some controllers eg Morningstar let you offset the displayed value given that midi starts at 0 and c4 presets start at 1.


    I don’t know if it will help, but sending CC 104 value 0 will engage preset 1 on the C4. Maybe you can program something like “long press loads preset 1, then short press sends ‘increment preset’ CC?

    That's a clever solution. I will try that out and I'll get back to you. As for the data transfer, it needs a MIDI host to hook the pedal and the controller together, but yes, it does send the messages. I think it's a user interface issue! hehe


    15 hours ago, moley6knipe said:

    Never heard of the Ampero, just had a skim of the manual! So - does the Ampero provide USB host? If not it probs won’t be able to control the C4. SA Neuro Hub is the usual solution for adding host to the C4 BUT SA are working on a cable that will negate the need for a Hub with C4.


    Assuming connection, you’ll first need to map the midi functions you want to use on the C4. Page 42 of the manual https://www.sourceaudio.net/uploads/1/1/5/1/115104065/sa248_c4_synth_user_guidev2.pdf

    You’ll need to map increment/decrement to a CC number of your choice. Hint: for on/off functions like engage/bypass toggle use 0 for off and 127 for on…


    Basically, send a CC number and value which corresponds to those mapped on the C4 to whatever midi channel the C4 is on and you’re away!


  3. Hi! Yes, I have to use a Midiplus host to connect both. 

    But, as I map the 106 and 107 CCs to increment and decrement, I get nothing. I have 4 modes on the switches: single, toggle, momentary and hold. I'm using single, then CC 106, value 127. This (in theory) should suffice to send an increment of "1" to the presets. 

    Now I came into a predicament: how to start from preset 0 and add 1 preset at a time, whenever I press the switch? or the same for decrements of 1.  It's complicated because the controller's display gives me the number of the CC I sent i.e. 106 or 107, not the preset number, so I never know where am I according to the loaded presets on the C4.


  4. Hi guys! I'm trying to program an Ampero Control to work with the C4. This has to be done manually because it doesn't recognize SA's C4 as one of the already made templates. I need to be able to take advantage of the 4 switches of the controller, by browsing (increments and decrements) the 128 presets on the C4, tap-tempo for the LFO's, etc.

    Can anyone help me do this? it's been a while since my MIDI days, and this is kind of confusing. Thank you in advance!

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