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Posts posted by JoeMischief

  1. 3 hours ago, tegs07 said:

    I would second that opinion. I’m not the seller but that’s a lot of bass for the cash. Yamaha BB’s and Sterling Ray 34’s can be found second hand for your budget as well which are great value for money.


    Edit: The only caveat being neck width. If a player has smaller hands a J width neck may be more suitable.


    I am leaning a bit towards a j neck. Thought that might be a bit more manageable. Also let's be honest IF she at a later date wants to a p neck and finds it manageable she can at a later date once she's commited more to bass.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Paolo85 said:


    If bassists in her favourite bands often have P or J basses then you are lucky because you can get a precision or a jazz bass, or a precision with an additional J pickup (a PJ). They are the safest bet in terms of sound and aesthetics. To date they are the most commomly used basses, and you can pretty much make them work in any kind of music, they come in many brands and many versions, you can get great value for money, and I believe they sell fairly quickly if need be.

    The only risk was if she specifically did not like the traditional aesthetic (as in my case when I started at 15 as a metalhead).

    Other people are probably better than me for advice. For a beginner I would much rather get a passive bass as you do not want to have to deal with five knobs. And it's not like an advanced player then does need active. Passive is fine, possibly better according to many. On the other hand, many active basses within the budget have an option to switch to passive, as well as a passive tone control, so one can start from there and keep the pream (the "active" part that leads to knob moltiplication) sitting there as a nice to have.

    I have tried some jazz basses. They are very flexible in terms of sound and I love them. Still, they are more snappy and less fat and rounf than a precision. Theytend to have slimmer necks which for beginners may be helpful unless they have big hands. I currently have a £150 fretless Harley Benton J that is great but stupidly heavy and you can do better, and a Sire V5 which gets amazing reviews, is just within your budget (I believe some 400something  new) but I never managed to fall in love with it (too much high mids and very chunky frets with which you never touch the wood - not that it is a difect, just not my thing). I also had a Sire V7 fretless for a few days, also super appreciated by bass players, also within your budget and comes fretted as well. I like it more than the V5 (but is active - although with passive switch, and a somewhat weak passive tone control for what I have seen).

    Then you have the Squier basses. You can get a Classic Vibe jazz bas 60s (I suggest 60s over 70s as 70s has a slightly more peculiar sound and as we are not even 100% she's a jazz bass person maybe better 60s). Squier is a Fender brand. Fender invented P and J basses. Squer CV are really loved but reportedly quality is inconsistent. I tried one in a shop and I did not like it: lacquered neck and something was not right I am not sure what, I am no expert. But I would give it a second chance.

    I would second the reccomendation for a Jaguar CV (looks like a classic Fender bass, is PJ so superversatile, and 32" size is easy to start). On the other hand I personally would feel very unconfortable giving an adult as a first bass a bass that was not "standard" (so 34" scale), unless they asked for it.

    As for precision basses, other people can help more than me. Even there though my impression is tah Squier CV  and Sire are the most recurrent names for a P within your budget (for new), unless you want to go for a different aesthetic.

    Hope this has been helpful. Finally: the advice I wish someone had given me when I started: budget some £50 a professional setup. That could make a big difference. And if the tech/luthier strongly reccommends, have the strings changed as well.







    Thanks so much. That's great advice and has really helped. I really appreciate you taking the time out to dive into it with so much detail. Great work.

  3. 1 hour ago, OliverBlackman said:

    If it must be a surprise, then you can’t go wrong with a Fender P bass. I must have gone through around 15 basses in my first 10 years playing. I tried loads but the one that stuck was a £350 P bass I got for my 16th birthday. Maybe find one in a colour that is a bit different or fits her tastes? Or if you think a smaller scale could suit better then there is also the mustang range.


    Hi Oliver.


    That might well be the way to go. Thanks for the advice.

  4. 49 minutes ago, Paolo85 said:

    Any idea about specific bands she may like a lot, or even better she may like the bass player?

    Say for example her three favourite bands have a bass player with a precision, then you definitely wanto to go for a P bass. Once you have narrowed down that way it is much easier to help


    Hey Paolo.


    Her tastes are VERY diverse and pretty developed. A lot of 80s 90s rock, but with a whole load of other stuff thrown in and developing tastes.


    I tried that cunning ploy and it's a complete range of p and j bassists. To be fair she may not know exactly what she'll want to play until she explores the bass. If she just liked a few bands or whatever it'd be pretty simple. Nice idea though. Thinking along the same lines as me.

  5. 1 hour ago, yorks5stringer said:

    Why don't you forfeit the element of surprise and home print her off a 'Bank of Mum and Dad Bass Voucher' for £XXX, give it to her for her 18th and then get her to do the leg work, and in that way she'll maybe appreciate it more as it will be her choice?  I bought both my daughters their cars and they both got Fiat 500's....only because I like Fiat 500's, not because they were necessarily the right cars for them!




    You're probably right. I'm just struggling with the idea of a DIY present. If it's possible to get it right I'd like to try. If it was a car then yes a LOT more discussion and less surprise. Also looking to pay for it a specific way so that should be our problem to navigate the limited places to purchase.

  6. 1 hour ago, redbandit599 said:

    I always think that the Jaguar bass is classic, but also fits the 'hip and different' thing as they aren't as common as Jazzes and Precisions - there's a few options of variants price wise. Also they often have a 32" scale, which does mean that there is a little less finger stretch involved and so maybe more comfortable/easier to learn on. Here's one https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Squier-Classic-Vibe-70s-Jaguar-Bass-Black/2ZYB?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces_across_google&utm_content=surfaces_across_google


    Another option, also 32" scale is an Ibanez Mezzo, cracking little basses these - I have the 5 string version. There is a 4 string in the classifieds on here I think, but this is what I'm referring to https://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_srmd200d_mft.htm




    Much appreciated. I've got a lot of food for thought now...

  7. 1 hour ago, OliverBlackman said:

    Can you get down to a shop? It doesn’t matter what works for others, more what she likes the look of and feels comfortable. 


    You're absolutely right. That in essence is the problem. Firstly we're trying (although maybe needs a rethink) to surprise her. Just because she's asked for a bass she doesn't know she's getting one... Were hoping for the element of surprise.


    Also being a sweet girl she'll likely just tell us what she thinks we want to hear. She worries about anyone spending moneybon her. Whenever she asks for something she always just picks THE cheapest thing and gets stressed if we suggest anything else.


    Is really sweet in principle and sounds perfect I know but if you're trying to spoil her a bit is a nightmare!

  8. 2 hours ago, yorks5stringer said:

    A 'Jazz' bass just refers to the pickup configuration and it sounds slightly different to a Precision 'Bass'. If she likes to plough her own furrow and be non conformist there are a host of different shapes and sizes available and £500 is a decent budget for a s/h bass. Have you looked in the classifieds here?


    I have done my googling. P, J, active, passive. The classifieds here just melt my brain unfortunately. Maybe geared more towards someonenwho knows their stuff.. ?

  9. 9 minutes ago, petebassist said:

    Maybe have a listen to the different basses to see what's on offer? 




    Hi Pete.


    That's an epic video. Thanks. I think the predecessor to the Hohner Jack Custom I was eying was in there. It was being played at the same time as another bass so my untrained ear couldn't differentiate.


    I had listened to the Hohner Jack Custom and the Ibanez RB850 played on YouTube and to me they both sound great. I was happy until I was told I'd got the choice wrong, too niche etc. Both J as far as I can see, one passive/active and one passive.


    Trouble is for me everything sounds fantastic. I love the sound of a bass full stop.


    Like choosing clothes or jewellery. Easy for yourself as you known what you like. On someone elses behalf no so easy.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Ed_S said:

    You can’t go far wrong with a P or J, but personally I’d look for the best deal I could find on an Ibanez SR - ideally an SR500 or better. They’re well made, sound versatile, really comfortable to play and you could argue they have a bit of an 80s vibe.


    Thanks Ed.


    I shall investigate further. Really appreciate the info.

  11. 18 minutes ago, yorks5stringer said:

    Has she got a Bass amp ( you mention going for a catalogue combo)? If not, does the budget require a Bass amp and Bass? Nevertheless I'd go with what the music shop suggested, if your daughter is 'hip' she will want a Bass like her heroes and there are  plenty of Squier Precision and Jazz basses available around £350 new. A small Bass combo amp can be had for the remaining £150 which will be OK for practice or even a bit more. You may get loads of suggestions following my post so be prepared! Note there a cheaper Squiers called Affinity too. I've randomly selected 2 retailers and the bottom one has a huge range and a 3 year warranty too.








    Had a look at the links. Thank you. Maybe a little 60s rather than 80s 90s vibe? Gives me a good starting point though. Wonder if fretless maybe a smidge tough as a starting point, but here to be educated?


    Sorry replied to rest of your questions in a seperate reply, but as didn't quote so may not have notified you. Still learning.

  12. Hi. Thanks for the response.


    She has an amp. Pretty sure is a guitar amp though. Her boyfriend is a gigging band guitarist so likely getting hold of something to borrow or picking up a second hand one wouldn't be an issue. The budget is just for the bass.


    She's very dedicated to anything she sets her mind to so if poss would rather invest more in a decent enough bass and then maybe santa can do the rest...


    She doesn't worry so much about being 'hip' if I understand that right. She likes to make her own style. Everything is used, preowned or made. Have nosed at Fender precisions, one from Mexico. Jazz bass? Is that for a jazz sound or a design?


    Thanks for the links. Will have a look. 

  13. Hi.


    Complete noob here so hope I have this right. Sorry if I don't. Is incompetence not malice if I have messed up.


    Okaaaay. Appreciate there might be lots of subjective opinions so I might well be letting myself in for the whirlwind.


    Dumb guy. Lot of Google and well known online marketplace.


    Daughter 18th birthday. Pretty proficient on electric guitar, acoustic guitar and ukulele. Wants bass for birthday. She's massively into 80s and 90s vibe. Very cool kid. Fairly eclectic tastes, but loves rock/has some modern tastes. Listens to as much if not more 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s rock as anything.


    We have very max £500 budget and currently needs to be by PayPal. Hence well known marketplace. Partner wanted to go with a combo from a well known online catalogue website so at least am trying.


    Want to try to do something special/unique and vintage probably within our budget goes further and retains value better. 4 string seems sensible. Seems like I want a fair bit for my few pennies if poss and need to make a decision fairly sharpish.


    I'm very much not a musician. DJed a little before so understand some stuff, but let's be honest putting a needle on a record leaves me no more musically inclined than anyone who can turn on a light switch. Did spend a good proportion of mispent youth with budding guitarists and bassists so get that this is important. Have basic understanding of construction, what frets are, a few well known brands, passive vs active, etc. Have learnt a little about headless, ball end strings, bolt on necks, etc.


    I found a few that seemed interesting. Very good condition headless Hohner The Jack Custom and an Ibanez Roadstar 2 RB850. Thought was doing okay. Until I called a well known music shop for advice on them. The pretty quick conversation was 'They're no good, too niche. Get a Fender somethingorother reissue. Cheers. Bye'.


    It may well be spot on advice. Thing is I can't tell. Obviously the contact with the sellers is very positive about both basses. To be fair that's not a huge shocker though. They want to sell them. Again I cant tell from anyone what's right or wrong.


    Any advice, comments on these potential choices, alternative suggestions. To be fair anything might be helpful. I'm trying really hard to get this right, but finding out as usual the more I learn, the more I realise I don't know.



    Thanks. Joe.

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