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Posts posted by Nortski

  1. Thanks guys, this is all hugely helpful. It's given me a lot to chew on! Think I'll start from scratch and flaten my tone, new set of strings etc and work fom there. Probable should've done that anyway!

    Of course, any more suggestions will be gratefully received!

  2. Hi all, any advice offered for a gigging virgin?

    I've just started rehearsals with my first band and am desperate to get a good sound out of my Markbass CMD 102p Head II combo. I spent ages getting a sound I liked in my flat, at low volume, but surprise surprise after cranking it up in the local club all my tone vanished and it just sounded pig awful. Forget about the fact that it's DI'ed through the PA, the actual sound coming from my amp is quite disheartning.

    I really know little about EQing principles, are there any basic concepts I need to be aware of, such as "never have the gain past ##o'clock etc?

    Now I know that my amp should be quite capable of producing a great sound, for £1100 I would hope so anyway, it's just trying to get it!

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Nortski.

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