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Posts posted by justis

  1. yeah, see what your saying there guys. thought this would be the case, as i said i knew there'd be plenty of much better ways to achieve what im after but was just wondering if there was anything i could with what i have to more or less test the sound in the band environment without going out and buying a load of stuff just for it to turn out we need a guitarsit anyways.

    cheers for all you help guys


  2. ah ha, so im more likely to do damage to the guitar combo by putting too much into than the bass head by sucking too much out?

    looks like im gonna have to find a little cash before putting this idea into fruition.

    thanks for the speedy reply though.


  3. First things first been a lurker here for about a year and a half and this is my first post so.... hi!

    Now on to the nitty gritty, i've just started a new band with a couple of friends after having been in and out of bands for a few years. We're attempting a kinda heavy bluesy rock feel. current members include myself (on bass naturally) a drummer and a keys player (mostly hammond organ kinda stuff)

    Basically at the moment we're looking for a guitarist and a vocalist but would prefer to get someone who does both and isnt looking to riff or widdle over the top of everything however theres a little grunt lacking in the rhythm section so my question is this....... can i take a line out from my bass head (a horrible behringer piece of sh*t but it works) or maybe even the effect out and then put it into a guitar combo to give me the ability to have distortion without losing the bass so that it kinda sounds like a rhythm guitarist and bassist playing at same time.

    I know theres probably a bazzilion different ways of doing this the right way such as splitting my signal first etc but ive got a baby due to be born literally any day and also setting up a business so buying extra equipment isnt a possibility, just gotta use what i got which is the behringer head and cab, a small sh*tty marshall combo and a zoom b2.1u or whatever its called.

    dont wanna just try it incase i blow summin up so any sorta advice on why it will or wont work will be greatly appreciated.


    P.s sorry for the longwindedness of this post.

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