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Torbjörn Hk

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Posts posted by Torbjörn Hk

  1. On 19/03/2011 at 20:19, clauster said:

    I've been on an urgent lookout for an inexpensive bass the last couple of days (suddenly found myself bassless with a gig in three weeks time).

    The second shop I visited today was a tiny second hand guitar shop - maybe 15 guitars top, and half a dozen amps.

    The basses were at the back of the rack. Nice refinished 70s Jazz, but way over my immediate price range by many hundreds of pounds. Behind that I spotted an 80's Ibanez, had a look at the headstock - Roadstar II. I remember them from guitar mags back in the mid-80s. Checked the price - comfortably within budget. Asked to have a look at it. Grubby as hell, but seems to be all original. Checked the neckplate - made in Japan. At the price it was up for, I wasn't expecting to see that. Long scratch/crack in the lacquer on the back but no signs of it going as deep as the wood. Quick, quiet play through a guitar amp just to check everything works - yep, it makes noise. Neck seems fine, comfortable, one fret (fifth) buzzes a bit, but it's about 25 years old and obviously not been looked after in a while. A fret dress won;t put me over budget.

    5 Minutes later and for the first time in my life I own a bass made by Ibanez, even though, beyind the range I haven't a clue what it is.

    Happy, happy, joy, joy http://basschat.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/%3C#EMO_DIR%23%3E/biggrin.png

    Nice story, even now some 11 years later. 🙂 Do you still have it? I bought mine back in 1985 for approx 370 pounds (4500 SEK) and it mostly hangs on the wall, but every now and then I bring it to the rehearsals.

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