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Roberto Gonzalez

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Posts posted by Roberto Gonzalez

  1. Hey there Mates!!!

    I am new in the bass world so I am attempting to invest quite a good money for, me between a fender jazz bass Fretless professional number two or the same model with Fretboard,  so I am dubious about it I already own a fretless one but I would like to receive your expertise and advice before making such a decision like this that for me, means quite a lot of money I am very excited to receive your opinions on what are your preferences between both types of basses!!!

    Best regards Roberto Gonzalez🙏🏼

  2. On 01/04/2022 at 00:49, karlfer said:

    Entry level made in America bass with fittings of a slightly lower spec than American Standard, namely cheaper bridge, tuners & pick up, no string through body, no carbon neck reinforcement, no hard case.


    The body is also 1/8th of an inch thinner than the American Standard, hence slightly lower weight on average.

    Also reputedly marginally thinner neck, front to back.


    In my opinion, these are excellent basses in their own right, congratulations.


    Oh, and welcome to Basschat 😁

    Thanks for having me!!!

    • Like 2
  3. On 01/04/2022 at 00:49, karlfer said:

    Entry level made in America bass with fittings of a slightly lower spec than American Standard, namely cheaper bridge, tuners & pick up, no string through body, no carbon neck reinforcement, no hard case.


    The body is also 1/8th of an inch thinner than the American Standard, hence slightly lower weight on average.

    Also reputedly marginally thinner neck, front to back.


    In my opinion, these are excellent basses in their own right, congratulations.


    Oh, and welcome to Basschat 😁

    Thank you so much!!!

  4. 2 hours ago, Richard R said:

    Hi Roberto, 

    Welcome to the forum!


    This is really just a "Hello " thread with  bit about yourself. 


    You have quite  a specific question about what people think of that bass  so you might do better to post it in the Gear thread.


    I'm afraid I can't help, I've never owned a Fender, but plenty of other have.

    Upsss pardon me!!! Thank you!!!!

  5. Hi everyone!!!
    I live in México, and recently I found a brand new American Special fender presicion bass, those tha have the conmemorative “60th aniversary” logo, I bought it for 750 Dls. So I feel very blessed and fortunate to have it It was two weeks ago.
    I discovered that this bass sounds awsome, however I am new in basses, I am not a great conoseur. Still I own other two fender basess, one MIM and one more placid blue performer series, wich both of them also love them.
    So, back to the Anerican soecial topic, I would like to know opinions from you guys that I consider that are so much more experienced in this matter, since I found this quite strange to have bought a bass like that, wich was made on 2011 and It also sounds great, so I am doubtfull If I did the right thing, or no one want to buy this basses for another reason that I am not aware?

    By the way my lthier has checked it and everything is ok!
    I appreciate your advice and I hope, I explaind myself correctly.
    Thnks so much for your support





  6. Hi everyone!!!
    I live in México, and recently I found a brand new American Special fender presicion bass, those tha have the conmemorative “60th aniversary” logo, I bought it for 750 Dls. So I feel very blessed and fortunate to have it It was two weeks ago.
    I discovered that this bass sounds awsome, however I am new in basses, I am not a great conoseur. Still I own other two fender basess, one MIM and one more placid blue performer series, wich both of them also love them.
    So, back to the American soecial topic, I would like to know opinions from you guys that I consider that are so much more experienced in this matter, since I found this quite strange to have bought a bass like that, wich was made on 2011 and It also sounds great, so I am doubtfull If I did the right thing, or no one want to buy this basses for another reason that I am not aware?

    By the way

    my luthier have checked everything in the bass and it us super ok👍🏼
    I appreciate your advice and I hope, I explaind myself correctly.
    Thnks so much for your support





  7. Hi everyone,

    I am an amateur bass lover, just two years, I would call myself as a pandemic musician, so I began in those confinement days.

    So I am excited to in thi forum Willingto learn from all of you!!!

    Thanks for having me.

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