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Posts posted by jchel

  1. [quote name='rasher80' post='608614' date='Sep 25 2009, 01:29 PM']it's probably a bit silly to make childish comments like that - as we all know, MIJ Fenders are of brilliant quality, but hard to come by - meaning another professional, courteous exporter would be welcomed by many on the forum; but i think you will alienate quite a lot of potential buyers with that attitude.

    Just my opinion like; i for one was interested in your prices but ultimately would think twice now as you have shown yourself to be quite rude

    For goodness sake don’t take yourselves so seriously.
    It was just a little satire railing against the hypocrisy shown but some on this site.
    Not meant to be taken seriously.

  2. [b]John,
    You should contact via the web site.


    Otherwise the sad nellies who moderate this forum will stop possing in front of the mirror with their bass guitars and ban me.[/b]

  3. [quote name='Bassassin' post='585526' date='Aug 31 2009, 12:08 AM']Let's clear this up. MIJ or CIJ refers [b]only[/b] to which factory produced the bass and does not reflect quality in any way.

    The first Jap Fenders (and the incredibly sought after JV & SQ Squiers) were made by Fujigen Gakki. Fujigen was specifically chosen because of the excellent quality of their Fender copies, particularly the Greco range. Fujigen Gakki had the contract for Japanese Fenders up until 1997, and these are labelled MIJ. Subsequently production moved to Dyna Gakki & Tokai Gakki, who labelled their output as CIJ, to distinguish them from Fujigen.

    Recently Fujigen has resumed production of Fenders so there are now new MIJs hitting the shops.

    I can tell you MIJ are not manufactured anymore.
    Fender Japan guitars are all CIJ there are not two different companies.
    If you see MIJ advertised then they are the old export models.
    These Jazz basses look reasonable enough.

  4. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='579241' date='Aug 24 2009, 04:35 PM']However the website does look like it was made by a schoolkid on MS word in an afternoon. There are no contact details on the website and a whois search turns up that the the domain was registered less than a month ago to someone called Jeff Rice although domain privacy is on, so there is no address listed. If a deal goes wrong angry emails won't go far.

    All the images are copied off other sites and the text contains such BS as "All new Fender Japan guitars have crafted in Japan printed on the rear base of the neck. Apart from that are identical to the USA instruments."

    It may be a genuine attempt at creating a business, but it doesn't inspire any confidence whatsoever, especially after this morning's not so subtle attempt at spamming basschat with shill posts. It would have been more honest if he had introduced himself saying he can send basses to the UK and invited questions rather than pretending to be a satisfied customer.

    Also once FMIC get wind of the site their lawyers will probably issue a cease & desist order or whatever the local equivalent so the site will disappear under threat of legal action for using the Fender trademark in the name.[/quote]

    Yes see what you mean your site looks so good.
    Trying to seel some old MIJ fendesr are we for aged rockers?

  5. [quote name='rasher80' post='578899' date='Aug 24 2009, 11:35 AM']All the prices are at least a year out of date as well.

    I smell bull-sheet :)[/quote]
    Sorry but a year out of date from what?
    Let me know some more stores selling last years prices:)

  6. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='578761' date='Aug 24 2009, 08:25 AM']Didn't it feel like you were taking a bit of a leap of faith ordering from such an crappy-looking site with seemingly no track record?[/quote]

    Was really crap saving 150 quid on UK prices. I will always regret it.

  7. [quote name='markdavid' post='49818' date='Aug 23 2007, 09:54 PM']Hi, I have decided that I am going to save for a MIJ Fender. I am in the croydon area and wondered if anybody knew where I could buy MIJ Fenders , I am in the croydon area but I dont mind travelling a little , Any suggestions[/quote]

    MIJ Fenders are old stock. The new one are Crafted In Japan.
    I got my Strat from
    Cheaper than anything you will find in the UK and they have the whole range of Fenders.

  8. [quote name='rasher80' post='315745' date='Oct 27 2008, 02:01 PM']Hello all,

    This is my first post - i'll try not to rant too much!

    I just want to say how p-d off i am with the current situation regarding Fender Japan. It seems that the majority of the UK importers like mustangguitars and guitaremporium have had the kibosh put on them, presumably by the chaps over in the good ol' US of A.

    I'm grumbling cos i'm a left hander who has wanted a 75 re-issue Jazz bass, and having worked my damnedest to accumulate the money, no sooner am i almost up to the total than all the importers i know of seem to be calling it a day. It's really annoying, cos if i was a right hander i'd just pick up one of the Mexican reissues and just pimp it a bit. I don't have the nous to be able to source one direct from Japan and the only other importer i know of is in the US, who wants £900 before any customs charges. so i'm going to have to forget it and try and get a MIM jazz and pimp that instead.

    Bad show Fender!

    Anyway, rant over! :)[/quote]

    Try [url="http://www.japanfender.com/"]http://www.japanfender.com/[/url]
    They seem to carry the whole range.
    Got my Strat from them. Had no problems at all.

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