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Posts posted by hellsgate

  1. [quote name='"BOD2"']There are simple answers to your specific questions but I'm just a little worried that it seems you don't know too much about electronics and yet seem to want to poke around inside an amplifier - no offense meant ![/quote]

    No offence taken as that is exactly the situation.

    Anyway, I emailed Samson (they distribute Hartke gear these days) and they were able to email a schematic of the board to me. I was able to use that as well as the placement of the remaining capacitor to work out which way to put the loose capacitor in. I soldered the loose cap back on and repaired a few bad solder joints already on the board. When I then powered up the amp, it worked! I still need to put in a new passive input jack and get new pot knobs as they are all missing just now. The only other issue is that when I hit the button on the amp to bypass the 10-band EQ i then get no sound, but that isn't a big issue as I'll be using the EQ anyway.

    Thanks for your advice and warnings BOD.

  2. Lo folks,

    I'm hellsgate and I am a bassist (if that sounds like a confession, it is). I found this site while searching google for bass amps and I decided to sign up. I play a black Wesley Flying V bass. Its a cheap Korean thing, but I replaced one of the original pick-ups with a Seymour Duncan Musicman from their Basslines range and it sounds pretty good now. I've just picked up a Hartke 3500 Mosfet. Got it cheap cuz it isn't working (see my thread in the Repairs and Technical issues forum if you know a bit about these things and you can spare a minute) but I'm looking forward to hearing it properly.

  3. Hey guys,

    I've just bought a non-functional Hartke 3500 Mosfet from Ebay. I did this for two reasons:
    1. It'd give me the chance to get familiar with the workings of my amp
    2. It was the only way I was going to be able to get a 350w amplifier for 70 quid (GBP that is)

    When it arrived I noticed a rattling noise - not a good sign.I opened it up and found a capacitor had come loose and was bouncing around inside. I can see where it has come off of the board and there is another one still on there. My question is should I replace the loose one onto the board, or should I buy two new capacitors and replace them both? If its the second option, where would I find replacements? The ones currently in it have "Samhwa (RG)105 C (M)9107" and there is a degree's symbol between 105 and C. They are also marked 250v and 100uf (not really a "u", but thats the closest on the keyboard). Should I try to find the same ones or can I get suitable others?

    When it comes to fitting them does it matter which way round I solder them to the board (ie there are two pinholes in the board for each capacitor. Does it matter which way round the capacitor goes into the holes?) There is also the remains of some glue on the board where the capacitor originally sat, so what type of glue should I use to hold the caps onto the board and what should I use to clean the old glue off the board?

    Thanks for reading folks.

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