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Phantom Power

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Posts posted by Phantom Power

  1. Stanley Clarke, surely one of the most respected of all bass player, regularly plays a piccolo bass.

    But a much more interesting exponent is Foley, who played with Miles Davis for a couple of years before Miles died.

    Miles Davis said that Foley was the guitarist he had always been looking for.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Marcus Miller later on this year reprising TUTU the Miles Davis album that totally astonished me when it was released. I'm hoping that Marcus uses the later incarnations of the Miles Davis band when he is performing it in London later on this year. I really really hope that includes Foley.

    Anyone interested in this guy should Google him, he has a fascinating web site, with incredibly interesting interviews.

    Finally, both Stanley and Foley had totally different approaches to playing the piccolo bass. Stanley I believe used his trade mark Short Scale Alembic tuned an Octave up.

    Foley seems to use a headless short scale bass, with guitar strings, with loads of overdrive, and plays it like a regular guitar player would. I assume he enjoyed the longer scale length, and the wider string spacing, both are monster players and soloists.

    I would suggest ignoring the word BASS, and just enjoy 2 incredibly talented and inventive musicians doing their individual thing.

  2. For anyone who has been following this thread, I've had a change of mind.

    The wolf is far enough away from the door for me to worry about selling this set-up.

    And after replacing the 12AX7 valve, and spending a pleasant 2 hours playing through it, I'm nuts to even consider parting with it.

    Little wonder that they appear second-hand so rarely, those that have 'em, keep 'em.

  3. [quote name='tredders' post='562931' date='Aug 7 2009, 05:19 PM']After 20 years of playing, I'd like some formal tuition :). I need to work on my speed, and wouldn't mind attempting to learn some more funky, slappy style playing.

    Happy for tuition at home, or I'll bring my bass along and travel (within reason).

    Anyone out there?


    Hi Mark,

    Is Coventry, to far to travel to?

  4. Well, fancy that.

    I'm very new to this site, but it just so happens I'm about to flog an Alembic F1-x pre-amp. (I've just invested in an SWR SM900).

    This would undoubtedly fit your bill; (but not for £300). I have DI'd it loads of time, and it is fantastic.

    I'm going to research a realistic price, and then post it up for grabs, if anyone is interested. Along with a SWR 500x that is ungigged and mint.

  5. Hi Steve,

    So at least two Alembic nuts in Coventry, well I never.

    Mine: 5-string Spoiler, 5-string Stanley Clarke Deluxe, and a 5 string Fender Jazz with Alembic Activators.

    I've got a Alembic F1-X up for sale in Sunny Radford; with a Yamaha 35000S, and I didn't get that lot from TMC either.

    That is a serious combination, and stupidly loud; and as rare as rocking horse poo.

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