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Posts posted by Nuage420

  1. 20220319_192452.thumb.jpg.db76c10b4a9aa9b88b78f331cb301e1b.jpg


    Hello from across the ocean.   New in this chat but I've been around TB for a bit and recognize some handles. 


    Just wanted to show some love for the RM300.  Recently grabbed this up from Sweetwater as a demo unit and I'm actually very impressed.   I read through this thread and got a ton of great info from you guys, thank you!


    I can say that this sucker is a LOUD 300.  It's loud at whatever is drawn from 8ohms.  Run through the ABM 410 it's a little dark at flat but livens up with the EQ.

    Through my Darkglass 212 4ohms... OH BOY OH BOY is this little guy rowdy.  I wrote up my initial impressions in a long post on the other bass forum.   I can drop the link if that's OK to do here or just search my handle over there.  

    I'm a pretty big fan on Ashdown gear after picking up an LB30 last fall.  

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