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Posts posted by Wolfram

  1. On 03/06/2024 at 20:23, Pea Turgh said:

    Cheapest I ever did was plug straight in to the 1/4” mic input on a cassette deck I was given.  Just had to pay for cassettes!  Used to record all my riffs when I started playing.  

    Tomorrow’s mission - find those tapes!


    Yup, when I first started age 14 I couldn't afford a mixer or multitrack. I had two Sony Walkman, one with record facility. I'd solder together cables in various configurations to mix sources together with the output from one deck, play from that deck and record the combination to the second. Of course, any mistake and it was right back to the beginning to do the whole dub over... I have many, many tapes full of half-songs cut off abruptly at a fluff.


    How far we have come! Although strangely, some of those old recordings really sound pretty good! Plenty of analog warmth 🤣

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  2. I think there's a case that the best value DAW is the one you know and doesn't get in your way - my time is my most precious and limited commodity so anything that speeds up my music creative process is a Good Thing. I have been using Cubase since VST 3.5, circa 1997. I know it inside out, it's quick and intuitive and I have no need to invest time into learning different software. However, I have dabbled in Logic when collaborating, and a couple of specifics I found slowed down my workflow:


    I record most of my VST instruments from live input, either keyboard or wind controller, and record guitar, bass and vocals live; I very rarely program anything. As project sizes increase, this means I am frequently changing the buffer size for recording a part vs project playback. Logic seems to reload the whole project each time I did this; Cubase is near-instant. Big deal for my particular workflow.


    I try to minimise my use of audio pitch and time correction, but when I do need them Cubase's built-in tools are so intuitive and well-integrated that you can easily use them for a tiny correction and are not tempted to over-use, as you might be if you had to load and set up a plugin.


    But it comes down to what you know and what fits with your workflow. For example Cubase can't do what Ableton Live or Bitwig do in non-linear music creation. And one massive omission in Cubase (and even Nuendo) that many DAWs have is the ability to easily export loop sections with tails rendered back into the beginning... there are workarounds but I really don't know why this isn't implemented as a basic feature since anyone working in video game music or loop production needs it.

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  3. I wasn't familiar with Seefeel and Ulrich Schnauss, but just had a listen. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you need hundreds of plugins - it sounds like you need one good delay and one good reverb. This will depend on your budget, but there are lots of delay options at all prices - personally I like the vintage sound of SoundToys EchoBoy but it is quite heavy on your processor and is quite expensive. I think the Relab LX480 reverb would be a great fit for that type of music, and the Essentials version is on sale for $29 atm.


    Synth-wise.... there is a huge range of VSTs. My advice would be to get only one or two and really learn how to use them - the temptation is that you need lots of plugins to get different sounds, but you really don't and it can just become a distraction. I have accumulated way more synth VSTis over the years than I know what to do with, and 90% of the time it's u-he Diva that gets used. Also look at what software bundles you get with the controller keyboards - Arturia has its ecosystem as, for example, does Native Instruments. For the kind of music you gave as a reference, I would be reaching for Diva and Native Instruments Massive X (incidentally a similar sound engine to the Hydrasynth) from my collection, but there are lots more choices.

    Another pointer for instruments is Spitfire Audio's free LABS range - lots of really interesting stuff there and it's all free.

  4. A few thoughts. The DT770s are closed-back 'phones - perfect for preventing the sound of a backing track leaking into the microphone if you're recording vocals, but not ideal for mixing / monitoring - they won't be as comfortable and the sound will be somewhat compromised. You haven't mentioned a microphone or wanting to record vocals, so if monitoring / mixing is your main use case then I would definitely consider a decent pair of open-back headphones. Beyer DT990 for example, or Sennheiser HD650.

    Re: MIDI, I would still connect your HX Stomp and LPD8 via USB (the HX Stomp will still be accessible as a MIDI device even if not using its USB audio) so unless you are considering adding non-USB MIDI kit it's not really a consideration. The HX Stomp actually works as a pretty decent interface if guitar/bass is the only 'out-of-the-box' instrument you're using - the main reason to upgrade to a 'proper' interface would be if you want to introduce a microphone(s) into your setup. At that point there are a multitude of choices, the Minifuse 2 being one of them, that are functionally almost identical. Personally I like the MOTU M2 / M4 as a portable interface - dead simple, rock solid and just work.

    Arturia controllers have a good reputation, but I've never used one. It depends what you want to use it for, but for me a two-octave controller would be useless - I'm a pianist and need to be able to play full parts. But it may be fine for what you want to do - just make sure the very small keyboard will actually work for you. I have used Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol keyboards which I really like, and they ingrate fantastically with my DAW (Cubase), not sure about Reaper. My controller is a 76-key Yamaha SY99 from 1992 - still going strong!


    If it were me I would also definitely budget for some monitors. I find long periods working on any type of headphones fatiguing, and much prefer to work on speakers.


    Hope that's helpful!



  5. 8 hours ago, BigRedX said:

    Also unless you have just bought a brand new Mac there was no reason to update your OS in the first place.



    My DAW Mac is currently on Monterey, only recently upgraded from Catalina, and only because one piece of software I wanted required MacOS 12 minimum. It'll probably stay on Monterey for the rest of its life as a DAW; I will probably replace it in around 18 months (it's a 2017 iMac, so it'll be eight years old by then).


    There's nothing in the OS updates that gives a Mac any new features or better performance with respect to music, yet those updates often break components of the DAW software, plugins and drivers, so I don't see any point in upgrading. I have a policy of never installing a major point OS update on any Mac until it has been out for at least a year, after bugs, compatibility issues etc. have been identified and ironed out. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Len_derby said:

    I rarely go into a big town or city these days, so I’m definitely out of touch, but these venues must have deliveries of drink, food etc. Do the drivers just take hit on fines, is there special dispensation or do they deliver outside a certain time range? I’m interested how it works because people must be driving up to these places regularly to drop-off and pick-up.

    I'd also be interested in anyone's insight on this? Aside from training into central London I haven't been into a town centre in years (well done councils - you waged war on motorists and won, congratulations). But surely every single business premises on the high street needs deliveries of some sort? How are these done, or is the fine just built into the delivery charge?

    Little story. Last time I drove into a major town centre was Leeds. It was absolutely chucking it down, near zero visibility. I realised upon seeing a sign that I had strayed into a bus lane, so immediately pulled out. I got a penalty. Their own photo clearly showed that the road markings indicating Bus Lane were completely invisible due to the amount of rain falling and splattering on the road. Appealed. No joy - road markings were 'clear' (no, invisible, proven by their own photographic evidence). Vowed never to go to Leeds again, and actually have not driven into any city since.

  7. Ok, another massive rush job but I've just managed to get something together.


    Our man just wants to chill, but his better half thinks he's too far gone. Can she get through to him? I present "Party".





    Puffin away, smoke rings in the air.
    Got no worries. Got no cares.
    Spliff in hand. Mind at ease.
    Just livin' life.
    Feelin' the summer breeze.

    Life's pressing by
    But you're stuck in a daze.
    It's time to wake up
    Get out of this haze.

    Sun setting low, shadows on the wall.
    I'm feeling fine; don't heed the call.
    Whiskey by my side. A song in my heart.
    Just playing my part, enjoying this art.

    You say you're fine
    But I see through your lies.

    You can't hide from this
    In your disguise.


    Spliff in hand. Mind at ease.
    Just livin' life.
    Feelin' the summer breeze.

    You're losing yourself,
    Drowning in smoke.
    It's time to wake up
    Before we are broke.

    Sun setting low, shadows on the wall.
    I'm feeling fine; don't heed the call.
    Whiskey by my side. A song in my heart.
    Just playing my part, enjoying this art.

    I'll be here waiting
    If you choose to see.
    Darling it's time
    To set yourself free.

    The tech stuff: bass is my Dingwall AB-HS, recorded though Line6 Helix. Horns and organ are from Native Instruments, drums are EZ Drummer. The good singing is the AI Solaria courtesy of Dreamtonics Synthesizer V; the bad singing is me recorded with a Rode NT1. All put together in Cubase, with a polish from Ozone 8.

    • Like 2
  8. Hah, I had to do a Google reverse image lookup - didn't recognise the character, not seen the film. I hope to be in this time - away again next week but will hopefully have a little time to put something together between getting back and the deadline...

  9. 17 minutes ago, SH73 said:

    What a shame , a brilliant picture, but will have to leave this one out, not enough time in a day. Unless a 30 seconds intro I started would suffice 

    Yes, let's hear it! I also ran out of time and safe to say my attempt is completely unfinished and barely an idea.

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    • Haha 1
  10. I still have my old 2007 iMac in the workshop. Back in the day it  was my DAW running Cubase on MacOS; now it's on Windows 7 and serves as my CNC and laser cutter controller. Those old iMacs were really well built, it's been faultless for over 16 years. 

  11. Ok, here is my horribly unfinished entry - I'm out of time - away for work next week, flying early tomorrow. Imagine this with vocoded robot voice musing on not losing sight of having fun and letting life pulse by mechanically - being more like the children in the photo than the adults.


    The tech stuff: All synths are u-he Diva, beats from Groove Agent SE, delays from Echoboy and a little reverb from Relab LX480 to glue it together, finalised with Ozone 8. This month's New Thing™: slicing a loop - never done this before. The mechanical noises loop is from a 1996 Future Music cover CD - I've been waiting 28 years for a suitable project to use that loop!

    • Like 4
  12. Thanks everyone for all your advice - plenty for me to think about here. Headline seems to be, there's no 'best' choice so I will experiment with some of the recommendations and see what I like the sound and feel of, starting in familiar territory with a fresh set of nickel roundwounds. And thanks for the reassurance over using the roundwounds - absolutely, like all my instruments, this is for playing but I didn't want to inadvertently ruin it with poor string choice coupled with 'emergent' technique...





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  13. I treated myself to a fretless bass for my birthday this week. It arrived today - and lovely though it is, the strings look like they might've been on for all the 22 years since the instrument was built 😮


    This bass definitely needs a string change, but I'm wondering what type to get? It's currently wearing roundwounds, but I've heard and read much about these wearing out or gouging fretless fingerboards - I wonder how true this is and to what extent? I've not used anything other than roundwounds before (D'Addario EXL, Dingwall and Newtone), but wondering if I should try flatwounds or something else to look after the fretless board? FWIW the bass has an unlined ebony board and it looks fresh and unmarked - though it could obviously have had maintenance over the years.


    I'm definitely after more of an 'electric' fretless sound with plenty of bloom and sustain than 'acoustic double bass' sound if that matters. This is my first fretless bass and, aside from a couple of fun hours at the Bass Gallery a few weeks ago I've never played one before - but very much looking forward to trying to!


    Grateful for any insights / recommendations!





  14. So just to check, is @SubsonicSimpleton correct in that you are connecting the bass to the B3, using the B3's USB out to record into GarageBand, then passing the analog output of the B3 into the Moog, then monitoring the output of the Moog while you record? Or is there anything else in your signal chain?


    If that scenario is correct, then the USB output of the Zoom will only have the bass + any B3 effects, since there is no path from the Moog output to an input on the B3. But let us know if there's some other way you were expecting the output of the Moog to reach the DAW (do you have an audio interface you are using?)


    You are right, the Zoom will act as a DI, which is why you get much better results when it sits between the bass and the Moog. Regarding DI, I can only recommend a Radial box as they're all I use, but they're not cheap and you really need an active DI such as the StageBug SB-1 or Pro48. There will be cheaper options from the likes of Behringer but I can't directly recommend any not having used them.  

    • Thanks 1
  15. The audio input on your Moog is low impedance and line level; your bass needs a high impedance input at instrument level - this is why you are getting a very low signal level, which will also likely be very bass-light. You need either a preamp or a DI box in between your bass and the Moog, then Moog into the B3, then B3 to the computer via USB.

    • Thanks 1
  16. I've actually managed to get an entry finished well in time for a change!

    The soundtrack to a carefully-planned and executed mission to rescue the Princess and her people. Channelling a little Vangelis maybe, and segueing into a full-on dance track, I present "Follow Me"!



    Ok, the tech stuff: This month's New Things™️ for me were the arpeggiator and glitching - I had great fun developing the arp and strings playing live, latching with the sustain pedal. Synth sounds are from Diva, Monark and Steinberg's Hypnotic Dance. I created the female vocal in the dance section with Synthesizer V's Solaria AI voice. I programmed the rhythm with NI Maschine and Arturia Spark. Glitches created using iZotope Stutter Edit. Delays and reverb from EchoBoy Jr and R4. Radio voice is a public domain sample from NASA. Arranged in Cubase and squeezed through Ozone 8.



    • Like 5
  17. 2 hours ago, Dad3353 said:


    It was made clear at the very start of this Challenge, that the criteria of recording quality, production, technical ability and more were (and, for me, still are...) essentially secondary to the inspirational and composition elements of the work proposed. Not everyone has a studio at their disposal, nor even the domestic conditions for professional-level recordings, so the pieces with background noise, some 'flubs', a low, or too high, level can still be appreciated for the idea behind them. Some may benefit from a heavenly choir, others a soft trumpet solo or a Trinidad steel band, but, even without any window dressing, a Good Composition is a Good Composition. I would humbly offer some of my own renderings as model of just how little technique is required; some of my pieces have even been voted as 'best', proving that it's not always the most 'pro' efforts that are recompensed.

    In short : don't sweat it; it's fine as it is..! ;)

    100% this ^^^

    Without a doubt the best compositions are those that sound just as good whistled as they do performed by a symphony orchestra.

    2 hours ago, BabyBlueSound said:

    Every time I try to record myself, I practice the hell out of it, then during recording, I realise... I should at least double my practice time. Recording is an ugly, but honest mirror.


    Hope 10 more days is enough... 🙃

    I think we all have Red Light Syndrome to some extent - I certainly do. You're on fire, playing like a god, those killer lines flying from your fingers. Hit the red button, and suddenly you're fumbling like you just picked up the instrument yesterday and haven't yet worked out which way round to hold it! Don't over-think it, just go for it!

    I first entered this challenge in January (New Year's resolution, maybe? 😉) to help me get back into writing and recording music after an almost complete gap of fifteen years or so. For me, every month I try something I haven't done before - either a musical style or technique that's completely new to me. They're far from the greatest compositions ever (...as my daughter reminds me. Repeatedly 🤣) but that's not the point. It's been fantastic to take the motivation from the challenge, share and listen to all the other creations. The world is a richer place for each and every one of these recordings existing.


    ...And I look forward to hearing the first whistled BassChat Composition Challenge entry! 😆

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  18. Ok I made it again this month.


    By the look of the poor girl and the state of that house, there could be only one theme for this one... home renovation. I present 'Grand Designs'!


    I used a delay idea I'd been thinking about for a while - this seemed a good project to try it out. I think it does what I wanted it to. I'm really unhappy with the vocal, but had to do lay it down in one take due to time (and noise!) constraints this month.
    The tech stuff: Guitar (PRS 513) and bass (Ibanez EHB1506MS) recorded through my Line6 Helix. Drums from EZDrummer. Backing vocal is from Ethera, Organs are NI Vintage Organs; screeching sound effect is from uHe Diva. The delay (there are seven different ones in this track!) are all EchoBoy or EchoBoy JR, and reverb is Exponential's wonderful R4. Mastering courtesy of Oxygen 8, all in Cubase 12. 

    • Like 3
  19. Ok I managed to grab a few minutes this evening, so I can field an entry put together in record time.

    An introspective, ambient piano theme to relax you as you lay on your back watching the bubbles drift by through the deep blue sky.


    The tech stuff: very light this month. The piano is from the Korg Trinity, reverb is from Lexicon MPX Native and Eventide's Shimmerverb, cooked together in Cubase 12.

    • Like 3
  20. Some great tunes here once again. Alas, I think I'm going to miss this one - I have the idea but just got back from holiday to some unexpected business issues so can't see how I'm going to manage any playing or recording for some time...

    I will enjoy listening!

    • Sad 1
  21. Once again, I just made it in time.

    I thought I'd get back to bass-ics with this one. I present a haunting solo bass improvisation to conjure up a surreal, distant thunderstorm on a long, dark night.


    The tech stuff: The bass is my Ibanez EHB1506MS, recorded into Cubase through my Line6 Helix. No other instruments, just effects from the Helix (Native), Eventide's Shimmerverb and Exponential's R4 reverb.

    • Like 5
  22. 1 hour ago, fretmeister said:



    Why use the Steinberg at all? The helix will do all that without another round of A/D conversion.

    It's very easy to set up for helix to record and effected signal and a straight through dry track at the same time.

    Because you can only use a single USB interface at a time (aside from using aggregate interfaces on Mac which I have found to be problematic with latency). My setup consists of two UR824s (one master connected with USB and one slaved over ADAT) and an old MOTU 2408 MkII connected via ADAT which gives me 24 simultaneous analog inputs, two independent monitor outputs and up to four headphone mixes. It's set and forget, with several hardware synths and external effects permanently plumbed in (I know, but the 2408 was cheaper than a patchbay and it's all immediately to hand). To use the Helix as a USB interface I'd have to switch the monitoring around etc...

    For anyone who's interested, my full Helix signal routing is:

    Electric Guitar:
    Guitar -> Helix input.
    Helix FX Send 1 -> Boogie Mk V Combo Input

    Boogie FX Send -> Helix FX Return 1
    Helix FX Send 2 -> Boogie FX Return
    Helix Stereo Out -> Steinberg UR824 (stereo) -> Mac
    Helix Buffered Thru -> Steinberg UR824 (mono) -> Mac

    Bass Guitar:
    Either into the above setup but the patches don't use the Boogie Mk V, or:
    Bass -> Mesa M3
    Mesa M3 Effect Send -> Helix HX Effects Input
    Helix HX FX Output -> Mesa M3 Effect Return
    Mesa DI -> Steinberg UR824 (mono)

    I never use the Helix HX Effects for recording bass, only for live. For recording I use the DI and the exact same Helix patches in Helix Native.

    The guitar setup gives me the freedom to 'wrap' my real Boogie combo's preamp into Helix patches and I can either enable or mute the Boogie's cab under control from the Helix by enabling/disabling FX send 2. The Helix's routing is really flexible, so you could do things like play directly through the combo (for that real amp feel) and simultaneously record a thru DI and totally independent modelled / effected version. You could even mic up the cab too for another feed! 

    Finally, I don't totally subscribe to the drive to minimise A/D conversion. Yes, you'll get a 'cleaner' sound, but I'm not convinced that it's always 'better'. I've heard many completely in-the-box tracks - including many of my own - that to me sound overly crystalline and 'plasticky'. Whereas I think some of the subjectively best-sounding stuff I've ever recorded was done on an old Tascam Portastudio four track... But each to their own - and yes I do now record and mix entirely in the box - but I use a lot of analog stuff to get my results (e.g. using a real Wavestation as well as the VST)!

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