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Posts posted by GreaserMatt

  1. Hi all, seen the site before, but spend most of my time on harmonycentral (it's addicting, LOL). Just thought I'd say hi & intoduce myself. I play mostly punk/rock, with a little surf, country & rockabilly mixed in. The last band I was in was called Dragstrip Riot; you should have no probs googling them. I own an '84 mij fender p bass, an '84 mij jazz, a '77 Ibanez Black Eagle, and a '91 mij p. I pley through a mid 70's ampeg svt, but I need an 8x10 cab for it at the moment. I was wondering if any of you guys see this particular Marshall 1x15 cabinet over on your side of the pond (see picture). I used to own one about 10 years ago & should've never sold it. JCM800 era cab; it has the grayish grillcloth like the amps from that era. I can't seem to locate one anywhere. I guess they only made 'em from '84 - '86...

    These pics were taken about 12 years ago, LOL! This was my old punk outfit called Stampede. Here you can see the cab...

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