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Oli Parken

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Posts posted by Oli Parken

  1. Help!
    I'm new to the forum, and looking for a new rig. There are so many brands out there, I am really not sure what to be looking for. I thought maybe some of the more experienced players who have been using/endorsing their gear for a number of years could give me some advise.
    I originally looked into the Ampeg stuff. They are renowned as the industry standards for bass amps, and most of the professional players use Ampeg. I also have a friend who owns a small Ampeg rig, and it is to say the least outstanding. Branching out from just Ampeg, there are a huge number of other companies who I am not so familiar with; Eden, EBS, Markbass. From what I've herd these are the more expensive, and possibly more sort after bass amps. I'm also a big fan of Level 42, and so am interested in the Mark King signature MK500 head Mark's been using for a number of years.
    I mainly do normal fingerstyle bass, and often resort to slapping. I'm looking to spend no more than £2,000 for the rig. I own a Musicman StingRay5 bass, which has been incredible through any amp I have teamed it up with.
    Best Regards,

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