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Posts posted by jazzdrums

  1. Hi - the jam didn't happen in the end unfortunately :) but hopefully others on this thread might be interested in jamming too? (We're based in London.) I've copied a bit that I've just put under the Bass Players Wanted section.. basically I'm getting as many people as possible who're into jazz together to start regular private jams:

    "We've now got 24/7 access to a really good rehearsal studio and I'm looking for a pool of musicians to jam with - as many people as possible who play jazz with any instrument (more than one of each instrument). Basically I'm trying to get a community of people playing together during daytimes/evenings so that there's music happening every day.. this wouldn't mean that you'd have to play with us everyday, but would mean there are jams happening frequently so that you could come and have private jams with good musicians whenever suits you! A kind of "collective" if you like.

    It's (in my opinion) better than jam sessions in bars, where you only generally get to play one or two tunes, whenever you're free and want to play we could play for as long as you wish!

    Please PM me if interested"

    The level of musicians we've already got is pretty variable - mostly intermediate/advanced jazz players upwards. Most of us play full time and practice jazz as our main focus, but the emphasis is all on fun and improvement so please don't be put off if you don't feel you're the best jazz player around.. infact, all the more reason to get jamming if you're not happy with you're playing. We just want to play music, all the time, there's definitely none of that "only playing with people better than you" attitude.

    Cheers, Caz.

  2. Hehe, hey everyone.. I'm the aforementioned drummer and I've just noticed this and thought I'd just add a quick word incase anyone else has been put in a similar situation.

    Sorry to have scared you a bit, we could of course choose easier tunes.. :) it's all good and just about playing music and jamming so that we can all improve. Most people are just happy to get out and play with anyone and everyone, and I'd much rather play drums in a musical context with a bass player even just holding the root notes for each chord than just sit at home practicing on my own. Anyone who dives into the deep end and arranges to jam a new and scary style of music deserves much respect, and most people spend way to long practicing on their own before getting the courage to get out there and jam. If we have to play the tunes at 50 bpm and with you holding root notes then that's absolutely fine by me, it's still music, we're still going to love playing those tunes in any way.. and you can never get good enough at the basics!

    Most people are happy just to hear drummers play the swing pattern on the ride with the hi hat on 2 & 4... it doesn't matter how great you are at everything else, if you can't do that you're dead. Surely it's the same with bass players.. let's keep it simple and groovy.

    Cheers guys.

    ps. I challenge you infront of everyone on this forum to stick to the same tunes we arranged, and we can play them every week if you want and at any tempo until you've nailed them :rolleyes:

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