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Posts posted by enty

  1. [quote name='Quatschmacher' post='781424' date='Mar 21 2010, 11:04 AM']My question is, has anybody got either the Classic Stingray or the Stingray slo special (or physically seen them anywhere)? I really want to check them out![/quote]

    I'm not sure if you are still interested in an answer to this question, but I've just picked up my classic 4 today. What an unbelievable finish, totally gobsmacked with the quality. I must admit to buying it without playing it - on reputation, as they say. Not my usual style, but I've a regular MM before and I figured they wouldn't get this new one wrong. I'll post a couple of pics, if anyone is interested. Thanks for listening...just needed to tell someone!!!

  2. [quote name='Kaiu' post='488118' date='May 14 2009, 05:50 PM']Not sure where i should put this, but I just want to say the Vox Amplug is an incredible piece of gear.

    I use this together with Transcription ( [url="http://www.seventhstring.com/xscribe/overview.html"]http://www.seventhstring.com/xscribe/overview.html[/url] ) which is essentially a software version of a Tascam Bass Trainer.
    It allows you to highlight certain areas of the track to repeat, slow down, change pitch, isolate the bass (or any other instrument for that matter). And all your markers, loops etc can be saved so you can open up the track and work certain parts immediately.
    I believe there is a trial version as well so you can check it out.

    Using a stereo mini jack I just connect my laptop to the Vox and use a good quality pair of headphones. It's all battery powered (including laptop, obviously!) so you can paractice anywhere and it's completely silent. Plus if you are like me, and have all of your music on your computer, it's a lot easier than loading up individual tracks onto an external unit such as the Tascam.

    Here is a picture of the Vox:

    And a screenshot of Transcribe:

    This has made transcribing so much easier.
    Transcribe works out at about £32, and the Vox Amplug is £40. Which totals £72. That is still cheaper than a tascam bass trainer.


    I have never used a Tascam so feel free to voice your opinions![/quote]

    thx for the heads up - Transcribe looks excellent. Have tried the Tascams which are also very good, but this is much easier to navigate, which for me is the pain of transcription. cheers...

  3. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='476679' date='May 1 2009, 08:55 AM']Stop putting nice basses like this up for sale! I keep forgetting I can be tempted by things I want.

    Love it!!!!

    Bob - temptation is a GOOD thing!!! As long as you give in to it!!!

    Noting your gear list - I just "Gave in" to temptation and bought an Overwater Progress III and a Phil Jones Bass Flightcase a week or two ago...hence the sale of the Musicman!!!!!!!

  4. [quote name='budget bassist' post='472335' date='Apr 25 2009, 07:03 PM']lovely looking bass that, i think in the current climate though, you may be better off keeping it for a while. MM's don't hold their value particularly well right now and i think you might be lucky to get much money back. But good luck none the less :)[/quote]
    Yeah no rush, if it goes it goes. Bought an Overwater last weekend so this seems a bit surplus to requirements at the moment. But I can always stick it under the bed. Seems a shame, it's not getting any play at the moment!

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