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Posts posted by TomorrowDreamer

  1. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='469763' date='Apr 22 2009, 05:26 PM']...and if you don't like the tone of this, have you considered second hand?

    I can do you a great deal on a 700w Peavey Firebass Head and 2x10 cab, only 'cos I like you mind.[/quote]

    Hmmm and how much would this great deal be costing me?^^

  2. Ive been doing most of these exercises for quite a while and my right hand can do most of them perfectly, however my pinky finger on my left hand couldnt do some of the exercises or bend properly. So i went to the doctor to ask about this as i wanted to see if something was wrong with my finger and something was wrong with it! Years ago i had broken the finger and the muscles hadnt realigned properly so it was a simple task of rebreaking the finger and getting the muscle back in place. Yes ouch but it has worked

  3. Well i picked up my new 5 string ibanez bass from the local music shop the other day and they offered me a 125 watt calsbro bass bomber amp for £140! Which sounds like a bargain to me as online the price is about £290 from most stores. Ive read some reviews and they dont seem to be very good, so has anybody else had any experiences with this amp or a similar model? Im looking for a 100wat amp to do small gigs with playing thrash/ death metal so would this amp suit this kinda style or should i go with another amp? My budget is a max of £300. Thx adam

  4. Ahh so basicly i need to save up some more money^^ or i will be buying an amp and then needing to replace it soon after which is pointless :rolleyes: I wil have a look at ashdown amps and thanks for all the replys peeps. :) I havnt replied in a while cause my net has been being a bastard but i will check ebay and the catalog at my local music shop. Cheers adam

  5. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='442769' date='Mar 23 2009, 05:55 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=43523&view=findpost&p=441613"]Behringer might not be such a good idea[/url].

    Ahh thats very sneaky guess thats ticked them off the list then :)

  6. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='442753' date='Mar 23 2009, 05:48 PM']Unfortunately, Its a bit far for me and I'm unable to post or courier these. Keep your eyes peeled though, shouldn't take long for something appropriate to crop up in your area (or with someone who can post/courier).[/quote]

    Im willing to get my dad to drive me half way to meet you if that could be arranged^^

  7. Oh and the guy at my store recomended me this amp: [url="http://www.prolineaudio.co.uk/shopsub3.asp?submenu3=BHBX1800"]http://www.prolineaudio.co.uk/shopsub3.asp?submenu3=BHBX1800[/url]
    Any body had any experience with behringer amps? 180 wats for £150 i think something must be up buts thats just me.
    Thx for all the replys adam

  8. Whoa thanks for all the really fast replys guys ;).

    Where are you?
    Maybe worth checking out the For Sale section? I've got a Peavey Firebass head and 2x10 cab I can do you a deal on (because I like you, you understand?). :D
    I live in the Shrewsbury where do you live? and how much would this "deal" cost me :)
    And i am willing to buy used items as it would seem i would get far more for my moneys worth :rolleyes:

  9. Hey guys this is my first post on the forum so be nice :rolleyes:. Well i recently decided to drop guitar and take up bass (at least for a while) i orderd a ibanez sr305 ipt 5 string bass guitar from my local music store for £280ish. Now im wondering what amp i should get as the guy at the shop wasnt very helpfull at all. I mostly play thrash metal(on guitar so i guess thats what i will be playing on bass) but am recently getting more in to the death metal however i dont want the bass to sound like a chainsaw. I have a budget of £220 max and would like to get at least a 100watt amp as my mate plays guitar in our band and has a 150watt amp. So any help would be appreciated :)
    Thx Adam

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