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Jon Liebman

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Posts posted by Jon Liebman

  1. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='505970' date='Jun 4 2009, 06:44 PM']Nice idea for a site but it needs to link & references to Basschat please..

    And also, being selfish, please can you include references to Wal basses and Leigh Gorman (BowWowWow)..
    Very biased I know, but you've got to ask haven't you.. :)[/quote]

    A thousand apologies! We'll get Basschat up right away. Don't know how we could have overlooked it!

    Wal was on our list, but they don't seem to have a website. Anybody?

    We'll get Leigh Gorman up, too. Thanks for the heads-up.

  2. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='503647' date='Jun 2 2009, 07:00 AM']He is the well-respected Jon Liebman (also a registered member on here under the name... Jon Liebman!), so it has the potential to blossom into something useful.

    The site is, however, ugly as sin. :)[/quote]

    Hey, folks! It's a brand new site. I've been creating over past several months and just "went public" with it yesterday (June 1). I invite your input and feedback (and I'll see what I can do about making it prettier!). Thanks for spreading the word.

    Jon Liebman

  3. [quote name='AM1' post='451605' date='Apr 1 2009, 10:37 AM']Brilliant!

    Just ordered it.

    Happy Days :)[/quote]

    Hey, folks! Just stumbled across this thread and wanted to say thanks. Feel free to contact me anytime with questions, comments, etc. Enjoy!

    Jon Liebman

  4. [quote name='Lemuel Beam' post='406243' date='Feb 11 2009, 09:27 AM']Have you heard NHOP on Dizzy's "The Giant" from '73? One OTT solo but the rest of his playing is wonderful, wonderful.. :)[/quote]

    Check out NHOP with Oscar, Dizzy, Lockjaw, Clark Terry (I forgot who the drummer was) playing Ali & Frazier. The best bass solo ever! It's somewhere on YouTube. Find it!

    Jon Liebman

  5. [quote name='Rich' post='436088' date='Mar 16 2009, 09:57 AM']I'm a big fan of figured woods... like the burr maple facings on my Shuke... and there's something about the look of a nice deep quilted maple under a coloured lacquer that is soooo lovely. Especially when the light hits it and it goes almost 3D.[/quote]

    Oftentimes, you're at the mercy of whatever pickups you have on your bass. Certain pickups will make a bass sound the same regardless of the type of wood. Others, however, are much more sensitive and truly bring out the bass' natural sound.

    Jon Liebman

  6. [quote name='nickcarey' post='325755' date='Nov 10 2008, 05:35 AM']Hi all,

    To make life easier for my students I have recently included some free bass lesson tracks on my website.

    I thought I might as well share these with you all on BassChat.

    They are for the Funk Fusion Book (see att). by Jon Liebman.

    The book is great for students who are not doing their grades as it is well structured and is comprehensive as it covers scales, techniques and hand strength exercises, plus of course some great Funk licks.

    [u]The only drawbacks are[/u]:

    > Chapter 4 (Techniques) has no recorded tracks on the CD that comes with the book.

    Fix: The tracks on my website are ones I have recorded to make learning the parts much easier on your own.

    > Chapter 4 & 5 go on a bit with tons of licks

    Fix: I have produced a list of 'highlight' licks for both the chapters.
    If you go ahead and buy the book, just drop me an email and I will send you the list.

    If any of you feel you have reached a plateau in your playing and are tempted to raise your playing to the next level in the New Year I would seriously recommend the book.
    Even if you are not an avid Funk fan the book is comprehensive and will improve your playing no matter what style you play.

    You can buy it on Amazon at the moment for £11.20

    More info is on my website at:


    I hope you enjoy learning from the licks

    All the best



    Glad you like my books. Thanks, Nick!

    Jon Liebman

  7. [quote name='Mikey D' post='426740' date='Mar 5 2009, 05:24 PM']"Hi...I'm Jon Liebman....Welcome to Funk Bass!"

    The amount of times I played that Cd to hear the intro lick...


    I started learning slap with your book! To this day I play some of those licks!

    Great to have you here![/quote]

    Thanks, MikeyD! Check out my website. You might find some other stuff there that will be of interest to you. (The track you mentioned is on the Audio Samples page.)

    Jon Liebman

  8. Hello, bassists! I just joined Basschat today and want to tell you how honored (yes, that's how we spell it over here!) I am to have seen so many references to me and my books. It is a privilege to be among you.

    Please let me know if I can be of any help in any way.

    You can e-mail me at [email protected] or visit my website: www.JonLiebman.com. Happy to be aboard!

    Jon Liebman

  9. [quote name='iamthewalrus' post='3083' date='May 20 2007, 02:11 PM']Here's a few I'd recommend:

    Music Reading for Bass by Wendi Hreovcsik (MI Publications)

    The Working Bassists Tool Kit & Building Walking Bass Lines by Ed Friedland

    Funk Bass by Jon Liebman.


    Thank you!

    Jon Liebman

  10. [quote name='Jester' post='129579' date='Jan 28 2008, 04:14 PM']Another vote for Ed Friedland here. I have his DVD and I rate it highly. Also worth a look is the book 'Funk Bass' by Jon Liebman.[/quote]

    Thank you!

    Jon Liebman

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