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Posts posted by Tempest

  1. I was playing a gig last night using my Ashdown MAG C115-300 and first half it was perfect with my Jazz bass plugged into the passive jack. Levels were all about half way if that and I use a compression pedal at about 40% for most of the time.


    As we play some lower and heavier stuff in the second half, I switched to my active 5 string music man and plugged into the active circuit. I had to drop the preamp input level as it was majorly loud, but I noticed that I was getting some clipping of the mid range. I turned my compression off and there was no change.


    Does anyone have any advice on what might have caused it???





  2. Hi everyone, nice to meet you all.


    Been playing bass for 35 years since I was 12 and now play in a long standing classic rock covers band, FBI, based in Oxfordshire.


    I currently have a few basses in my collection (don’t we all) including a Fender Jazz and two Five strings from Music Man and Yamaha. I also have a six string bass and an acoustic… 


    Feel free to say hi!





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