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Posts posted by MANTIS

  1. I love my MBS-III.  I bought it new in 2020, after testing a dozen modern options (Trace ELF, Fender Rumble, MarkBass (everything)).  The GK has dynamic punch that none of these newer amps have, in my opinion.  For me, the whole point of playing bass is the feeling of dynamic power.  Some weak-a$$ newer designs have ZERO ability to move some air quickly.  I do have Eden WT300 with 410XLT and a couple 210XLTs, but I'm old.  I'd rather pack up just a DI and my bass, or bring the GK so I can hear myself.  It works great for all the small gigs I've been doing, as well as in the studio.  Sounds great with my EUB as well as all the regulars (Jazz, MM, Steinberger).  I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world.  It is a bit vulnerable to dings, though.  I need a case...

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