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Posts posted by p£t£

  1. I'm a complete newbie, no idea how to hold a bass or plug it in.
    Spent the last 15 years bashing things with sticks
    but to be honest really always wanted to learn bass

    I have to say I tried a few teachers in my area, but they were all guitarists who also teach Bass

    I spoke to Nick and explained I wanted to learn BASS! not guitar on the bass
    I must admit, I've been so impressed with Nick (had half a dozen lessons or so, so far),
    he makes you feel comfortable, relaxed, has a teriffic purpose built studio, which really stops distractions! and has a great attitude towards even the dimmest of pupils.
    Not only am I now playing the bass, but I also understand what I'm doing and why!
    No longer does it sit in the corner and look pretty! it's now I tool I can use!

    I do a 35 mile round trip to see him, and I can honestly say, I'd happily travel twice as far if he moved!

    Cheers Nick

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