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Posts posted by alexfisher7

  1. so... here goes nothing..

    I must admit I am a little buyist as I love the look of a hi mass but also it would never cross my mind to upgrade a bass which does not have one.

    in terms of tonal atributs tho here is what I think.. I have seen many producers that record theyr own bass line with a cloth or a sponge tocked close to the bridge to dampen the transient on classic bridges and being the proud owner of my pj active deluxe fender, I do think that the hi mass bridge coupled with the tonal capacity of the eq keept me away from such practice. If you like the sound of your bass for the style you play, if it ain t broken, don t fix it. if you are a very versatil bass player how like to explore modern styles including r and b , hip hop and urban bass sound, I do recomend a modern enough bass that has a hi mass from the factory.. but again... that s just one man s opinion..

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