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Posts posted by Jamesk86

  1. Hey guys,

    I'm thinking of setting up a recording station at home but need some help on finding a decnet sound card for recording. Can anyone point me in the right direction of a website (uk based) which sells decent sound cards for recording or give me some makes that I can research myself.

    Looking for low to moderate prices nothing extreme, just something which will do the job!!


  2. haha such a mixed response!! I just think it will be fun to start from scratch again to be honest! at least this time round I will have the theory nad know how already behind me!! I've just got to re work the paws!!

    There have been too many times when i've walked into a guitar shop and only been shown left handed fender jazz basses, Ibanez GSR-200L's and extreme rare bass's like Wals or customer shop Warwicks!

    I have no idea why I started to play left handed I guess becasue I write with my left hand I assumed it was the correct thing to do!!

    I'm going ot pick up a Fender jazz to start on next week and take it from there!! :)

  3. Fingers, picks, thumbs and tips of fingers are all needed in my point of view!!

    One other remark I have heard far too oftern at gigs and from other musicians is that bass players are failed guitarists and any guitar player can play a bass!!

    arse I say!

  4. [quote name='KERMITNT' post='420026' date='Feb 26 2009, 12:52 PM']the best tone is the bass itself and the amp then you can mess around. But when ive seen this beauty i felt in love awsome... (only the look dont know how it sounds...)


    Thats a beauty!!!!!

  5. Right, I have a Mexican Fender Jazz (left ofcourse!) and compared to the all star amercian Fender Jazz the only realy difference is the neck!

    correct me if i'm wrong!

    However, does anyone know where to get necks from or am I just wasting my time?? ;)

  6. Not sure where it comes from, its definatley a one of a kind!!

    [url="http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://farm1.static.flickr.com/169/487025160_1d51df34d0.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2007/09/unusual-musical-instruments_04.html&usg=__hINGvt1E2wQQMeV7d0OeG_0b7Mc=&h=337&w=500&sz=95&hl=en&start=18&um=1&tbnid=p0DEHwpj-XuRRM:&tbnh=88&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dextreme%2Bbass%2Bguitars%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4ADBS_enGB308GB309%26sa%3DN"]Weird basses![/url]

  7. Hey guys,

    I'm thinking of buying this combo amp, the reviews have been sh*t hot but i wanted some first hand gossip for you guys!

    Anyone used/owned/heard it??

    Any help would be great!


  8. Did anyone use mysongbook.com before it got clsoed down due to copyright infringment? I mean seriosuly how the hell do you call midi instruments copyright infringment!!

    It was such a great source and a great way to learn new stuff!!

    And for anyone who didn't know of mysongbook.com it was a site dedicated to hostings midi tracks made by the people for the people of the music scene! Using Guitar Pro software you could create your own version of a song and post it on this website for anyone to use!

    Great idea!

  9. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Warwick-Rockbass-Streamer-Std-2PUNA-L-H/83K"]http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/...d-2PUNA-L-H/83K[/url]

    This seems like a good bargin!

  10. I've played lots of different OLP's and I agree the 5 string were very close quarters when it came to string spacing but the 4 strings you jsut couldn't fault them for their quality compared to price.

    unfortunately for me its too late to get one especially as i'm a lefty and the company has gone!!!

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