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Wayne Firefly

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Posts posted by Wayne Firefly

  1. Got sets of Silver Slaps on my cheapo beater and my Sparkleking, just gone to look at a new set, price up from £125 to £175 ish !!! 

    Looking at Supernils now for my beater, anyone got any honest reviews or advice ?

    I've had Presto / Eurosonic ultralights and like them but I fancy trying Supernils.

  2. We have a Samson XM910 powered mixer/pa head and may get some decent active pa cabs to cut down on weight/size/hassle etc. 

    We sold the giant, hernia inducing Peavey cabs we had and before I search for a passive mixer, I was wondering if we could line out from our little pa head into active cabs, bypassing the internal power stages and just using it as a mixer. 

    If we need monitoring in future, we can use the power section for those and line out to the active foh cabs. 

    Is this at all possible or am I going mad ?

  3. With the state of the world right now, we have a plan to nip out and do some guerrilla busking gigs with our 3 piece rockabilly style band.  Guitar, double bass, stand up kick and snare on a strap, 3 vocals. Streets, pub beer gardens etc.

    We were thinking of a single 15'' cab, class D, 500 watts-ish, rechargeable etc to run bass, guitar, 3 vocals. We are thinking Sansamps for the guitar and bass.

    What are the best examples best suited to our needs ? Anyone got any ideas ?

  4. 1 minute ago, jrixn1 said:

    I did try to source a wooden-coloured tennis ball.  However they don't seem to exist so I ended up with a yellow one as well.  Business opportunity for any entrepreneurs out there!

    Im not going to make jokes about wooden balls

    • Haha 1
  5. Just now, 6feet7 said:

    I've wedged a tennis ball between the tailpiece and the body. Cuts down the vibration and feedback from the the top of the body beautifully. Cost nothing and totally reversible.


    Brilliant !!

    • Thanks 1
  6. I think sounds to me like its along the lines of snobbery. You'd think it wouldnt be a problem, but hey, you learn.

    I ordered a foam floor mat off ebay for very little, I'll be making a set of them as soon as the mat arrives. You know, the interlocking floor mats you can buy for camping etc. I have some ideas about making them to fit my needs so I may take some pics and post them sometime.

  7. Right. out of the emails I have sent out, I got one reply saying they could not do it due to their workshop not being big enough for working on double basses, although they advertise themselves as being a double bass repair person.

    Their website advertises they work on a local orchestra's basses.

    I'm guessing its the cold shoulder from the classical snobs....


    15 hours ago, Blartfactor10 said:

    Crikey! get a bit of 2x1 cut it to the right length (it will take a few goes) and stick it in the Bass side F hole next to the bass bar, It should be tight enough to stop vibrations of the top and slack enough so as it doesn't fall over (or vice verse) A luthier will charge you an arm and a leg for making your bass sound quieter and less feedback prone when everyone else is trying to make their bass louder. Other than that, try making some F hole covers. A quick scroll down the EUB D\Bass page will give you some idea. I don't want to put any luthiers out of work but this is real basic stuff.

    I have no problem with my bass being a little quieter acoustically. Its only ever plugged in with the band anyway, and the band is kind of loud. I may have a crack at some DIY F hole foam plugs, seen plenty of threads on such things.

  9. Interesting replies !! I'm in North Wales but easy to get to North West or Midlands. I'll  try ringing around a bit.  Also interesting and as I possibly suspected, is what I'm asking somehow sacrilegious to their ideals of a musical instrument ?

  10. Need to speak to a luthier somewhere about properly fitting a second soundpost for loud rockabilly feedback busting. Sent a few emails out to some near-ish to me to no avail. Are they too busy or have I asked for the tattoo equivalent of a facial swastika ?

  11. Im trying to sort out a lightweight rig to take out with my rockabilly band to stick my double bass through. I've got a Gallien MB500 which is ace, Im after a cab to run with it. Anyone got any honest real world opinions about the Markbass NY151 1x15 cabinet ?

    Projection, volume, bottom end, efficiency etc, you know what I mean.

  12. Good answer !!    Guess I'll have to leave them in the useless pile and stick to the set of EMGs.

    Ive also got a '91 SR600 and a '91 SR800, both with knackered preamps too !! I dont have a great track record with active IBZ stuff although they are awesome basses all round !!

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