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Posts posted by cjbassguy

  1. since the Geddy Lee Jazz Bass is awesome and the only problem with them is the truss rod access,
    can you order a pickguard with the notch made to get the to truss rod instead of taking it off or at least make
    one with a tool or something. it would just seem easier in my opinion and less of a hassle.

  2. Hey guys i got a new one for you. i just installed my new badass II bridge on my 2000 fender MIM p bass. sounds great and tone and sustain are
    clear and noticable. ONE ISSUE....maybe.

    The low E has a noticible rattle, especially in drop D. It doesn't feel as comfortable as the other strings and the sustain
    and attack are not as good as the others. this bridge is not filed btw.

    if i filed this one string would it help? i like having a strong punchy E string.

  3. also, when i boil my strings they seem to last much longer than they do when i take them out of
    the package new. i have been using DR Hibeams recently. sound great but last no more than ten days
    for me. I practice everyday but i don't gig right now.

    and guys, im not changing the strings often, i just have to deal with a dull sound for about 4 months and
    then ill change, but it would be nice if i didn't have to :)

  4. thanks for all the replies.

    i don't smoke and im using 45 to 105 guage.

    nickle strings seem to last longer

    i don't sweat hardly at all

    the thing is i could be playing and they sound bright and amazing(yes i like that sound) but i know when
    strings are dead and when they are broken in. I don't pluck hard when i slap, i slap just like marcus miller if you can get a
    picture of the way he places his hand and doesn't do it hard at all.

    i had a new set from the 18th to the 28th, and i was playing and they sounded just fine, bright and great.
    i put the bass down for a second and i went downstairs for a second. came up to my room again and the E was so dead.
    then the A and so on shortly after.

    if this narrows anything down please reply

  5. I play a 2000 Fender P bass MIM, and it plays great, its got SD basslines and a new badassII bass bridge on the way.

    I have never had a set of strings last me for very long, and im getting pissed. I have tried switching string types and
    all kinds of other methods.

    I began washing my hands before i play everytime and that made the strings last a little longer, but not much. So
    i don't think its because of the oil in my hands.

    these strings that last "forever" are not lasting very long at all. I don't want coated strings at all either so no recommendations on those

    could it be something with the bass. I have been cleaning the neck too with bass neck cleaner and all kinds of other things to narrow
    down the problem. its so frustrating and im getting no life out of these strings.

    Nickle has lasted longer than stainless steel i have noticed, anyone no why?

    could it be the bridge or the neck or something breaking the core. I know how to put my own strings on but i have had
    dealers put them on for me too and i used a pair of strings once that lasted 1 day and were dead as a doorknob the next.

    Im getting pissed, so any help would be great


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