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Posts posted by scarified

  1. [quote name='Bassman68' post='887262' date='Jul 6 2010, 08:33 AM']Lovely 2000 5 string, reckon it's from the first batch in late '89 when production went entirely 'in-house' for 2000 mouldings (well saying that, the manufacturing process was the same as the series II, With a wooden core, set-in neck & graphite facings front & back. The join between wood & graphite being hidden by the black sunburst).
    I had #0440...
    If you look in the battery compartment, see if it has a signature in there, either SS or $L, if it's $L.......I made it![/quote]

    Hey Bassman68 - I used to live in Chelmsford in the 80s. Would "SS" be Steve Sutcliffe ?

  2. I just got the first vote for a Smartbass. Here's a pic (from the Gear Porn part of the forum).

    I was using it with a Trace Elliot AH100 in a pop group for the past year to great effect. I have recently joined a Heavy Metal band and I am playing this thru a Mesa Boogie M6. The tone is to die for. Anyone who has trouble 'cutting thru the mix' in a metal band should seriously consider getting a Status Graphite.

    Speaking of which, anyone seen this guy yet ?

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc13C7oiScs&feature=related"]Italian metal bassist playing a Status[/url]

  3. [quote name='Conan' post='705111' date='Jan 8 2010, 03:39 AM']Just as well you never saw me gigging!!

    Got rid of the TE a few years ago due to its size and mass, and we were moving house... etc.

    I liked the sound, and I think it suited the Status. It's not for everyone though (as the responses in this thread show!).

    I always find it difficult to describe sound in words, but I thought it was clean, clear, powerful, rich and "hi-fi" (whatever that means!). Plenty of top and bottom, but a bit lacking in the mid-range without applying "wacky" graphic settings (mine was the GP11). But maybe this was more down to the Status than the amp as I never tried any other rig with the Status. Volume was never a problem as I was running it through the typical 1048 and 1518 combination, giving out the full 250 watts (it was the AH250 head).

    It was the only amp set-up I used for 20 years, so I now find it quite hard to make a decision about what I want next!![/quote]

    Hey Conan - you and me both. I have only had an AH100 and a 4x10+1x15 since 1989. I play mainly a Status too. The AH100 has been modded twice and repaired once. I know I need something smaller, louder, warmer and more 'modern' but I am having a hard time finding anything I like more than my trusty old TE. I am wary of the reliability of newer gear too. What's on your GAS list ?

  4. [quote name='neilb' post='661024' date='Nov 21 2009, 09:22 AM']Im with tomboy on this one, but STILL think it looks the bollocks!!

    It wont go above 5. My ears bleed.[/quote]

    I know that as the starter of this thread, I am supposed to be neutral, but that is very impressive. It would be even better with a brightbox though ....

  5. Putting aside tone and quality, what is the best looking bass rig out there ? I know tastes change and huge stacks may not be as cool as mini rigs these days - right ? Is a boutique backline more impressive than, say, an Ampeg or Ashdown rig, or is it kind of poncy looking ? Do Peavey/Hartke rigs make you look like a working musician, or a chav ?

    Finding the best sounding amp is easy, finding the best build quality is easy too. But what about image ?


  6. Some of you will get into this topic, others of you will hate it. However, we should all agree that for some inexplicable reason there seems to be a huge number of kickass bassists who are British. Who's at the top of your list ?

    I can easily rattle off 10 ...

    John Taylor
    Paul McCartney
    Steve Harris
    Mick Karn
    Nick Beggs
    Pino Paladino
    Mark King
    Tom Jenkinson

    .. and find 10 "also rans" too

    John Entwistle
    Tony Franklin
    Geezer Butler
    Chris Squire
    Roger Waters
    John Paul Jones
    Jah Wobble
    John Deacon
    Neil Murray
    Jack Bruce

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