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JK 138

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Posts posted by JK 138

  1. 160 with the settings above as well.

    Recently using the Hartke amp sim as a combined EQ + comp without the cab sim. Comp on 4, one control, nice and easy.

    For a darker comp, the OptComp, drive 5-7 and tone at 50.

  2. The colour switch only effects the clean blend when used with the distortion so the drive side is not mid scooped. With the blend at half way it basically cancels out the scoop.


    The drive is metallic and aggressive, solo it sounds pretty bad but great in a mix, I play heavy metal with two guitars.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Supernaut said:

    I have heard the MojoMojo is similar to the Blueberry and it does have a treble control to brighten things up... 

    It's not a very bright pedal to start with (it has an inbuilt lpf) and I don't find the treble control very effective but it's fairly flat otherwise. You can find them cheap second hand.

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  4. If you like the Spark Booster you could try the other offerings from TC, the MojoMojo and Dark Matter.

    The Dark Matter is brighter than the MojoMojo (with a little less bass) from the demos online but the two aren't too dissimilar to the Spark.

  5. I found one in France in a car boot sale. I couldn't find anything about them either.

    The previous owner had let it rust and there are some deep gougers in the back of the neck, he said it was about 10 years old and cost him 400 euros new (I'm guessing that would have been about £300ish). I think they're just a cheap, Asian made fender replica, probably sold under different names in different countries.

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  6. I've gigged with a Warwick Gnome ipro (not a TE Elf but I'm pretty sure it's just a rebranded version), with an Ampeg 4x10, in a very loud heavy metal band.

    Both guitarists were using JCM800s through 4x12s and I was the one who had to turn down. The Elf will be fine, if you need more volume, buy more speakers.

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