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Posts posted by squeez0r

  1. FIXED 😀

    Thanks for your help guys.  It was just the bridge after all. 

    When I got the bass new a couple of months ago, I noticed that the floating bridge was set at an angle, so I was very careful when I removed the foam transport pad to position it in the same place again; but it was obviously set wrong at the factory, hence the pitch problem that I only noticed when I started playing bass lines higher up the neck.

    I corrected the problem by getting the G string in pitch first, then the E string, and finally the A and D strings.  After a bit of wiggling about I finally got the bridge lined up straight with the pickup and in tune across all strings (with just +/- 7 cents between them).  Happy days.

    Hofner Violin Bass - Intonation
    Guitar/bass tuner
    Snipe-nose pliers
    Tape measure

    1. Measure and Slide
    Measure the distance from the fretboard side of the nut to the middle of the 12th fret
    Measure the distance from the middle of the 12th fret to the middle of the bridge saddle insert under the G string
    These distances should be the same; if not, loosen the strings and gently slide the bridge to the correct distance
    2. Tune
    Tune each string to standard pitch.
    3. Adjust Height
    Adjust the string height (action) as desired for comfortable playing by turning the knurled thumbwheels on each side of the bridge carefully with the pliers
    The height should be set so the strings do not buzz or rattle when playing in low or high positions on the fretboard
    4. Intonate
    Lightly touch the G string at the 12th fret and pluck with the pick to sound the harmonic tone. It should indicate correct pitch; if not, continue sounding the harmonic tone while tuning the string until it’s tuned to the correct pitch
    Fret the G string firmly at the 12th fret:
    o if the fretted note shows sharp (higher) on the tuner, loosen the strings and slide the bridge back about 3 mm
    o If the fretted note shows flat (lower) on the tuner, loosen the strings and slide the bridge towards the neck about 3 mm
    o Retune the strings and repeat the above steps until the fretted note is at the correct pitch
    Repeat the above steps on the E string to set the other side of the bridge for proper intonation
    All the strings should now be intonated


    It does have a bit more relief in the neck than my other bass guitar, but I can live with that as I've lowered the action and filed down a single sharp fret that was causing fret buzz. It's very playable, even at the dusty end now.

    Thanks again.



  2. The strings are all in tune at the open fret and also at the 12th harmonic.  But it's out of tune at the 12th fret. 
    I was  going to adjust the truss rod to reduce the relief, to lower the pitch at the 12th fret, but the pitch is not the same across all strings at the 12th fret: 
    E is -8 cents
    A is +4 cents
    D is +11 cents
    G is +19 cents
    Will a truss rod adjustment be enough or is there something else wrong with it?  Is the neck twisted?

    Thanks for your help.

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