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Posts posted by chilisfan16

  1. It is rockschool, I'm currently going through the pieces and putting my own twist on things and changing a few bass solos. How strict are they with improvising from the tablature?

    Also how long would I get to look over the sheet music for the sight reading? And there's also the part after that which I can't understand from reading what the exam will cover. Something about rhythm and melody?

  2. So I'll be able to use every string on the bass for both scales and soloing? And how much music is there usually with the sight reading to learn?

    Another thing is, alstocko, when you did your 3 pre learned pieces, did you do a lot of improvising on them during the exam?

  3. I've been playing bass self taught for a good few years now and have been convinced to go for my grade 8 exam by my bandmates, who are all grade 8 on their respective instruments and say i meet that standard.

    What i wanted to know was, exactly what should i expect from this exam? I got a grade 8 bass book and i've been working through the tabs and learning each song, and i know i have to choose 3 of them to play in the exam. And i have to know pretty much every scale on the bass, which is fine, i've seen the syllabus and i can recite any they are asking for.

    What i'm not too strong on at the moment is the sight reading element of the course. One thing i was wondering was will the sight reading element mean i have to read sheet music or would they have tabs since it is on a fretted instrument?

    Another thing is i play a 6 string, and if i was to use it, would they restrict me in my scales and soloing to just the 4 EADG strings? And do they allow you to use more than one bass for the exam?

    Thanks a lot for the help in advance.


  4. Thanks for the ideas guys, i pushed my elbow out when playing to straighten my wrist and found i could play surprisingly faster and for much longer, i never realised there was an issure there! Now i'm just working on getting it into my mindset as a regular position. I usually do around 5-10 mins of stretching anyway, so it must have just been my carpal tunnel! I also tried the alternate plucking with my index and middle, index and ring and middle and ring and i found it really does get the mind in gear.

    Cheers for the help, I appreciate the time lots!

  5. Hey guys, i just wanted a bit of advice, whenever i play i always warm up and try and get my muscles in gear, but my plucking forearm always seems to get tired and strained rather easily. Would someone know a solution to this?

    Thanks a lot guys


  6. Right, so i've got this line 6 amp. It's not a bad amp, by any means. But since i bought it as a kid, my experience has gone up and i know what i'm doing a little more.

    SO what i wanted to ask was this.

    Do any of you guys know how i could get a good sharp tone out a line 6 amp, it's a lowdown 150. I'm a musicman player, and i like a lot of treble and bass in my sound, but i hate the 'compressed' sound you get if the mids are too high.

    I'm a prog player, and want something to stand out from the riffs etc, until i can afford my ampeg or GK!

    Thanks guys!

  7. Hey guys, anyone know any good exercises that can get your plucking ring finger up to the same dexterity as the other two fingers? I've been playing 3-fingered for around a year now, and i'd just like to have a little more stamina in said ring finger. I do basic walking warm ups and play moderate basslines with just my middle and ring (i'm efficient with my index and ring combination to a decent extent, but would like to get that better too!) so does anyone have any cool ideas?

    Cheers guys!


  8. Hey man, thanks a lot for the advice. I just read somewhere that a guy's batteries were running out, but he must have been talking about the active electronics on the bass itself.

    I was just trying to figure out pricings before i go off and get a head and cabinet.

    Cheers :)

  9. Hey guys. I'm a bass player who's used to using combo amps, and i've decided to start searching for seperate heads and cabinets.

    What i'm wanting to ask the most is, do most heads and cabs both use mains connections (ie plugs) or do they use batteries at all?

    Thanks a lot for the help guys.

  10. I own a really decent '97 sterling, and im a really proud owner. Yesterday, i wasin my local guitar shop, and spotted a stingray in the back, and as i havnt played one for a couple of months, decided to have a little muck about.

    Upon playing it, i found it had a TERRIBLE sound, even my friends thought that. im not sure if it was through the crappy roland amp, or if it was the actual bass itself, and i just couldn't wait to get back home to my sterling.

    so what are everyone else's opinions on each bass, and their preferance?

  11. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPFwDns7FdI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPFwDns7FdI[/url]

    heres a vid of a guy testing it out.

    imo, it sounds horrible, and looks horrible. i think the only attraction here is all the pickup configurations which could fit alot of people's tastes.

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