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Posts posted by Muttbass

  1. This is just the sort of ‘real world’ review that I like to see and read. I'm looking for a back up to my Mark Bass Little Mark Tube 800 which I use with combinations of Mark Bass Cabs (2x10, 1x12 & 1x15) depending on where I am playing. Currently doing about 70 live gigs annually I have decided that I am very vulnerable to possible amp failure, not implying that Mark Bass amps are not built to an impeccable standard but I am aware that these things can happen .... and inherently will happen when you least want them to, hence my toying with an additional amp for backup or amp rotation purposes .... plus I would like to run all three which I can’t withe the Little Mark (4 or 8 Ohm only) especially during the ‘outdoor’ season to add to the bottom end (which seems to get slightly lost outdoors)

    As I play only 5 string now (MM Stingray Ltd Ed 2005 & Sandberg Classic Special Fretless) I find at the larger gigs I need the extra punch and I know that both the Mesa D800+ and the Genzler Magellan 800 can deliver the 2 Ohm requirement .... My guitarist favours the Mesa as that is what he has best knowledge of (he had never heard of Genzler - dimwit noodler :)) the added benefit with the Genzler is that it can be toured out of the box without the need for voltage regulation as this is automatically selected within the electronic gubbins inside .... clever beggers!!

    This review has just pushed the Genzler ahead for me and I look forward to giving it a go next month (paycheque permitting) ... thanks ...

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