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Posts posted by Sandmann

  1. No, there seems to be something wrong with your amp, maybe a bad preamp tube. On mine both channels are amazingly quiet for an all tube-amp.

    of course, you have the same volume dialed in on both channels, haven´t you?


  2. i own a td660 and a fafner II. while i love the sound of the td660 i have to say that it is very much weaker than the fafner II, which to me plays in one league with a db750. just insane amount of power. if you really need power there is only one ebs amp.

    the hd350/360 is a very decent amp, the design has no flaws, absolutly reliable, it has everything one needs and the tone is to die for. it has almost as much power as the td660 which is enough for most occasions - maybe not big open air stages. but there will be a monitoring system... perfect for recording and still relatively easy to move around.

    in the eighties i dreamt about a trace elliot amp with 350 watts ... i tried a lot of class d amps and the only one that really convinced me is the blue soul.

    go for the hd350/360, you wont regret it :)


  3. the db750 will sound perfect with your active warwick. i love it with active basses but sometime think it lacks some eq-possibilities with passive basses. the fafner has all the sounds but the power stage i a different league to the db750.

    if you are not sure which of these two amps is perfect for you than you might should consider the fafner II. it has all the tone possibilities of the fafner and than some and the power and oooomph of the db750. maybe a little too much knobs but for me it is the perfect bass amp.


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