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Posts posted by ABSOLUTEFUNK

  1. my first tune played in the new year way rio by duran duran at my mates new year party . we were fancy dress and all that 80s so who better than john taylor brought my bass for the photos etc but me mate hired a marque so brought the combo and wireless system and kick off the nightwalkin into the marque playing to the record went down very well , bit of a change from the usuall.

  2. Hi
    this is great (hopefully NO Guitarist allowed LOL)
    I live in Darlington UK . been playing for 21 years my gear consists of
    4 String Fender (squier) Jazz- classic
    4 string 1982 Hohner Headless "The Jack" shes beat up but still sounds great
    4 string Curbow Frettless -ultra light-fast as hell!
    4 string precision -solid as a rock
    4 string Vintage Prototype Model (Pre-production model) Great bass- 1 of a kind -great woods
    5 String Fender Jazz V Deluxe - great sound especially with slap
    6 String Ibanez BTB606 "The dark Destroyer! great to play

    Roland cube 30w (this is a mega practice amp it loves the 5 and 6 stringers as well)

    Ashdown EVO 500 (sub harmonics gives the 18" a run for its money lol)

    Trace loaded Cabs
    4x10" 320watt RMS
    1x 18" 600watt RMS built in low pass-handy when using with the 4x10"


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