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Posts posted by Jamie1981uk

  1. 14 hours ago, BigRedX said:

    Unless you are very keen on a particular bass amp sound, especially one that features a deal of valve-y distortion, I personally wouldn't bother with an amp sim for the bass.

    Most bass amps are simply devices with a baked in EQ profile and a means of adjusting some frequencies within certain limits. The average channel strip in your DAW will be far more flexible than any amp sim. Start by cutting the extreme bass and treble and then use the remaining frequency bands to get the bass to sit where you want it in the mix. Add some compression and you are done.

    If you are after some valve type distortion, there no reason not to use one of your guitar amp sims - after all until the late 70s there was virtually no difference between a guitar and a bass amp. The only reason you wouldn't put a bass through an actual guitar amp is that it wouldn't go loud enough and the frequencies are more likely to cause speaker over-excursion. Since your amp sims are just digital representations of the real thing, the worst that can happen is that you won't like the sound you get, in which case your can just try something else.

    I will have a look into using Scuffham. Since I'm able to re-amp I can see what the difference is between each one compared to the GR5 one I'm using (which is supposed to be based on a bass amp). For tweaking purposes would you put a EQ in the chain and would it be before or after the amp sim. And what do you prefer settings wise? I know its each to their own when it comes to sound but, I'm just looking at ideas atm. 

  2. I had some great advice about a short scale bass guitar and I thought I would ask one last question. What are people using to record bass direct? I'm currently using Windows os with Cubase 8.5 and for my main guitar I use Scuffham. Currently I have been using Guitar Rig 5 for the bass and whilst I do have Amplitude 4, I do not have any bass amps unlocked. What are you guys and gals using? Should I stick with what I have or should I be looking in a different direction? I should point out that I have used the bass amp sim in Cubase and it isn't a patch on the GR5 one. Once again thanks for any advice. 

  3. I'm really happy with the bass and it plays really well. To just go on what BigRedX was saying about the scale length. Yes I have had a full scale one in the past and it wasn't for me. Since I use a Ibanez Jem with a 24" scale and the headstock on Ibanez guitars usually makes them feel bigger than they are, I knew what I wanted. The length of the Ibanez jem is literally 2" shorter than the bass if you go from the bottom (where the strap lock is) to the tip of the headstock.

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  4. On 17/12/2018 at 13:37, BigRedX said:

    How do you know that you need a short scale bass? Have you actually tried any?

    As someone who also plays the guitar I've found that even a standard 30" short scale bass is a big jump up from a 25" scale guitar, so IME you might as well go for a full 34" scale bass. You'll certainly find it easier to find something decent in your price range then, as short scale basses tend to be specialist/niche instruments and the prices tend to be higher for the same level of quality to reflect this.

    What you need to do is to get down to your local musical instrument retailer and try as many basses as you can to see what suits you best. As others have said, scale length is only part of the picture, and the only way you'll get the right bass for you is to actually play it.

    I have had a full scale bass in the past. That is how I know. 

  5. 2 hours ago, mikel said:

    That's the one. I have two and with the right strings, D'Addario short scale, sound superb. I avoid Rotosound, on short scale, as for some reason the intonation seems to suffer. Might just be me.

    I have pulled the triggered and order the black one. I'll keep note of the strings you mentioned and order some of those at some point. Thanks for the help. 👍 

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  6. 1 hour ago, SubsonicSimpleton said:

    Given the ease with which parts can be recorded remotely with todays modern technology, and that this is a forum populated by bass players, would it be worth considering asking if anyone would be interested in collaborating with you?


    It is certainly nice to hear that musicians are getting together online. I wouldn't want to seem ungrateful to anyone willing help but, it's something I really want to do for myself. It's a long story but it keeps my mind busy. But I do appreciate what you are saying and I'm sure if anyone required a guitarist for something, I'm sure I could offer my services. 

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  7. I'm currently writing and recording a lot of songs and I'm in need of a short scale bass guitar. I'm no bass player so a short scale would be better for me. I'm no great bass player and what I need it for is pretty standard just to lay some bass on my tracks. What would be the best with a £100-£200 bracket? And should I maybe try second hand? I have no clue what is good or bad when it comes to bass because I'm mainly a guitarist. I won't be using a amp so that isn't an issue. Any help and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks. 

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