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Posts posted by Christoffski83

  1. HELP!!!


    Been searching on and off for the last few years about a name of a bass I fell in love with back in the early 2000s. Its driving me made and I’m wasting days trying to find pictures of it again. Need a helpful hand trying to find it again.


    Things I remember about the bass was that is a custom...really expensive bass, green with gold hardware, had the most immense pointed long horn that was a masterpiece itself! Possibly UK built. It did the rounds around the Guitar Live shows in the the early 2000s and also swear it had some right ups in some bassist mags at the time....where I first saw it. I remember everything about it was handmade and was sooooo expensive at the time.


    I even had pics of it up in the studio around the time but can’t find it online anywhere! So annoying?


    Anyone offer any suggestions of what it was?



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