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Posts posted by imaccer

  1. I bought mine about a year ago. I don't play it as much as I'd like (I wouldn't want to turn into a drummer :o :lol: ), but it's nice for practising timing (and a bit of meditation).
    It's not cheap, I suppose it depends what you want it for.

  2. [quote name='Absolute-beginner' post='620301' date='Oct 8 2009, 11:05 AM']I imagine if there are any bassists here without a gig it must be because they don't want one. :)

    Hmm, thats not strictly true or fair! I'm still learning and when I feel confident enough in my playing I'll give it a go, just not yet!
    The sooner the better! If not gigging, then at least playing/rehearsing in a band. I was conned into joining a combo (only roots and fifths they said!) but I soon realised that what I couldn't do at rehearsal (the 'fiddly' bits), I could practise at home for the next week. Then, when you put it all together and play live it's ... indescribable :rolleyes:

    Just do it.

  3. Last week I was in Burgos, Spain, and I went to Dr. Music/Dr. Bass (www.doctorbass.net). Joaquín was busy with another customer at first, but his assistant got the basses I wanted to try (a Spector Performer and a TRB1004). They were given to me tuned and well set up. I was left for as long as I wanted and offered many more basses to try (I tried a Maruszcyk Elwood).

    When Joaquín was free, we spent a long time talking about the basses and amps in his shop, their design, the pros and cons, etc. Again, I was offered the chance to try [i]any[/i] bass I wanted.

    Athough I had decided on the TRB, due to unforseen circumstances, I no longer had the money to buy it and I said I'd try to go back in the autumn to get it if it was still for sale.

    Today I got an email giving me first refusal as someone was interested in the Yamaha. It's nice to be taken seriously as a customer, especially when you don't have a wallet full of cash.

    If you're in Spain, visit Burgos; it's a beautiful city on the Camino de Santiago (St. James Way) if you're a Christian, and a mecca if you're a bass player :)

    Guys, if you take the wife there's a hairdresser's nextdoor. Girls, there's a great selection of basses!

  4. Cheers, but I've got a switchcraft on order from my local shop (should be here midweek).

    I'll be getting another volume pot when I've got my head round the wiring and feel a bit more confident :) .

    I've put more masking tape round for the moment.



  5. [quote name='bassman2790' post='524506' date='Jun 26 2009, 08:29 AM']If you look closely at my avatar, you'll see that my BB415 now has two volume controls and one tone control. [b]I used the wiring diagram for a standard Fender Jazz from this [url="http://www.fender.co.uk/support/wiring_diagrams_parts_lists.php"]site[/url] as a guide[/b]. My BB414 has had the switch replaced with the almost indesctructible Switchcraft one, freely available on eBay for a few quid. I've replaced the switches in all 3 of my BB414's because each of them broke (except the latest which was was replaced before it had chance to)[/quote]
    Thanks Bassman,
    I'll whip the cover off tomorrow and see if I can suss it out :) . Aesthetically, I prefer the idea of an extra volume control - but if not, I'll put in a new switch (the one I have is already taped up to stop it falling apart).


  6. Welcome to the BB414-strung-with-flats fan club :)

    I've had TIs on mine for more than a year and will replace them with the same (if they wear out before I do).

    Yes, much more than 'thud'. I play Come Together with the neck pickup and I get a lovely tone (puts own trumpet back in box).

    Edit for thud

  7. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='487235' date='May 13 2009, 09:38 PM']Pointless thread. If everyone liked the same thing the word would be a very different place.

    I really don't care about Vic's playing. I'd rather watch/listen to Willie Dixon or Duck Dunn doing their thing.[/quote]

  8. [quote name='acidbass' post='450836' date='Mar 31 2009, 09:16 PM']Calm down guys! The OP obviously doesn't know much about our forum or flatwound strings, so it's probably not a good idea to put him off both just because of this thread. We all had to start somewhere! I think the $100 remark was taken too seriously to begin with, maybe the OP was a little sensitive, but let's put that shaky start behind us and try to help a newbie out!

    TI Jazz - My preferred choice. Nice tension but a little grippy at the start, this does wear down a bit over time though![/quote]


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