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Posts posted by Neill

  1. [quote name='Merton' post='307875' date='Oct 16 2008, 01:55 PM']I'm sure it could be repaired, it would just probably cost more than the unit is worth. bass_ferret's suggestion is a good one :)[/quote]

    Cheers Chaps, I'll continue to ponder my options.

    I have just spoken to a friend who has an electronics degree but hasn't been able to get work in that field. He's happy to take a look just 'cos he misses the scent of solder and a knotty problem to solve


  2. [quote name='cheddatom' post='307963' date='Oct 16 2008, 04:02 PM']This is the first time i've heard of of this amp. Looking at it, it's great value even without hearing it.[/quote] it is quite expensive to just look at but very good value if you switch it on and hear it

    .... sorry, bad joke...blimey, who is this Neill geezer, he's only been here five minutes and he's already making sad jokes.

  3. Hi

    My Trace Elliot SMX dual compressor has died and, unless anyone can tell me otherwise, can't be repaired (it sometimes makes horrible buzzing noizes and sometimes just goes TOTALLY quiet). I've seen loads of DBX and similar quality compressors on eBay for good prices and am considering one of them. I'e read that the amp manufacturers don't always make their loops impedance requirements right for these types of devices, sometimes requireing the effect has a similar hi-z to a guitar amp pre-amp input. This would mean I'd need a 'stomp box' style unit again or a di box to get the impedance step, wouldn't it?

    Does anyone know if I could use a studio type compressor in my Marshall MB4210 fx loop of would I need a Di box, too?

    Cheers, and thanks in advance for any assistance.


  4. Hi

    I'm Neill and I live and work in Liverpool. I play bass for fun and have done so for a long time.

    My interest in bass started when I was about two and a half when I used to copy Jet Harris in "The Shadows" in front of the TV, although I can't actually remember that at all it must have had some powerful effect.

    Next were the Beatles; I remember watching the Shea Stadium gig on the telly while sitting on my Mum's knee and being upset as the programme started with the Band coming off the stage; I thought I'd missed it. I was captivated by the funny little guitar Paul played. Next, I remember hearing 'I want you back' by the Jackson5 and LOVING the bass line, I think I was about 8. My brother's 5 years older than me and he introduced me to Led Zeppelin, Yes, CSNY (Deja Vu), Joni Mitchell, Genesis & the Beach Boys - pretty lucky really as they all had (have) fantastic bass players. I found the Who and only then did I actually recognise the fact that I preferred the bass and drums to the jangly types.

    The kind brother bought me an acoustic guitar for my 16th as drums were impractical in our house and after a flirtation with 6 thin strings (and with a band that later became famous but had no 6 string at all [no names no pack drill]) I got my Fender Musicmaster, short scale from the famous Hessey's in Liverpool in 1978. I remember going in the back office while my Mum signed the 6 pre-dated cheques - ah, interest free credit from the 70ies.

    I played my first bass playing gig at Eric's, not long before it closed, with a band called Men From Uncle.

    I stuck to that bass into the 80ies through a couple of bands (did any one ever see the pre-punk, punk band 'Small Print'?) and only when I was in 'This Final Frame' (how 80ies is that name, as were the haircuts & suits) in the mid-80ies did I move to a Hohner stick bass. That was really quite nice and lasted as my main instrument into the 90ies. Nice but wrong for a bluesy band I joined next. I swapped it for a Peavey jazz style bass that I still have (now with frets taken off) but wish I'd kept both now.

    However, my favourite instrument now is my delicious Warwick Streamer LX-4. Ooo this is the real thing! As soon as I played it I fell in love, I sort of giggled as I played it. As you all no doubt know, the neck is really different and I suspect a Marmite kind of thing. I benefited from other's misfortune as the other famous shop, Rushworths in Liverpool had gone into liquidation (they had a picture of the Beatles in the shop buying ricky 6 strings I think) and the stock was acquired by Bell & Crane (predominantly a piano shop now also gone, replaced by a Chienese all-you-can eat, restaurant). The bass was grubby as apparently one of the staff had been 'borrowing' it for gigs. However, I got it for £350! Irresistible or what?!?

    I play this through a new Marshall MB4210 which is great. I have a zoom multi effects pedal that I don't use a lot now as it doesn't suit the bluesy style I'm playing again but I have plans for another new band playing original material again so that'll probably get some use then. My Trace Elliot dual compressor has just died so I'm thinking about what to get instead or if the integral gizmo in the amp or the zoom is sufficient; I think they're a little to obvious though and I don't always want that.

    I still love all those old bass players and now know who the bass players on the Beach Boys and Jackson 5 records were. I also really like Flea (obviously), Tina Weymouth, Pino Paladino, Jared Followill, Nathan East, Percy Jones, Gail Ann Dorsey, Andy Frazer and ... too many to remember but John Entwistle will always have a special place.

    Sorry if I went on a bit.

  5. Hi

    I took delivery of a Marshall MB4210 about 6 rehearsals ago and I love it.

    I've been using a Trace Elliot BLX150 for about 20 years but my latest band has the LOUDEST drummer I've ever played with and two guitarists who both use Marshall 100w combos so I had no chance. Sad, but the Trace needed to be replaced.

    I tried Ashdown and Laney but didn't like either as I couldn't get the sound I could from the old Trace and the new range were out of my budget (I have an expensive teenager to run these days). I didn't get around to trying the Line 6 300w amp as I saw this Marshall. As soon as I tried the clean channel I found the sound but with much more overhead. I then fiddled and found loads of other sounds. Also, this amp resolves the different sounds from my Warwick Streamer LX 4 in ways that the Trace never could.

    I have to say, it does take some fiddling to change sounds as there are a lot of controls that sometimes do something but other times have no effect, depending on whaich channel is on etc.

    For £279 after shopping around I'd say this is fantastic value for money and while the likes of the Markbass is probably better the equivalent combo is around three times the price. Isn't suggesting that a bit cruel?! A bit like someone asking about a Mondeo and being told to save up for a BMW 535!

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